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List of DS homebrew emulators

From GameBrew
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Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
A5200DS Phoenix Edition Atari 5200 DS emulator for the DSi and above. Based on A5200DS by Alekmaul. 3.7 Dave Bernazzani (wavemotion) 2025/01/30
NINTV-DS An Intellivision console emulator running on the DS/DSi. 6.0 Dave Bernazzani (wavemotion) 2025/01/01
StellaDS Phoenix Edition Atari VCS 2600 emulator for DS and DSi, an improved version of StellaDS by Alekmaul. 8.0 Dave Bernazzani (wavemotion) 2024/12/09
ColecoDS Phoenix Edition DS/DSi emulator with support for Colecovision, ADAM, MSX1, Sord-M5, Memotech MTX, Spectravision SVI, Hanimex Pencil II, Tatung Einstein, SG-1000/SC-3000 and the Creativision. Original Colecovision port by Alekmaul. 10.3 Dave Bernazzani (wavemotion) 2024/11/17
SnemulDS 0.6 Revival SNES emulator. A continuation (open source) project of SNEmulDS. 2024 Coto 2024/05/29
A7800DS Phoenix Edition Atari 7800 DS emulator. Original by Alekmaul. 4.7 Dave Bernazzani (wavemotion) 2024/05/11
S8DS A SEGA 8Bit emulator for the NDS. 1.1.7 FluBBa 2023/11/08
NesDS Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator. 1.3d+ huiminghao, Coto 2023/10/28
NitroGrafx A PCEngine emulator. 0.9 Fredrik Ahlstrom (FluBBa) 2021/10/16
NeoDS NeoGeo AES/MVS emulator. 0.2.1.b Ben Ingram (Ingramb), updated by j03lpr86, nitendo, indy13 2020/08/26
PicoDriveTWL SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive emulator for the Nintendo DS(i). 2.0.2 DS-Homebrew 2020/04/14
NesDS TWL Edition NesDS for TWiLight Menu++. 1.3d TWL ApacheThunder 2018/10/20
lolSnes SNES emulator for the Nintendo DS. 2014 Arisotura (StapleButter/Mega-Mario) 2014/01/01
CATSFC Emulator for SNES/Super Famicom gaming console. 1.36 ShadauxCat 2013/06/16
a5200DS Atari 5200 emulator. 1.6 Alekmaul 2011/06/28
StellaDS Atari VCS 2600 emulator for DS and DSi (original by TheChucksters). 1.2 Alekmaul 2011/06/06
A7800DS Atari 7800 emulator. 1.0 Alekmaul 2011/05/24
BAGSFC SNES/ Super Famicom emulator. r3 BassAceGold 2010/11/10
NDSSFC SNES emulator only for DSTWO. 1.05 Supercard team 2010/09/10
Magnavox Odyssey DS An emulator of the first ever home video game system Odyssey. 2010 Bobbyloujo 2010/06/25
ApprenticeMinusDS A Gamegear and Sega MasterSystem emulator. 0.4.0 Lordus 2008/08/20
JEnesisDS Sega Genesis/MegaDrive emulator. 0.7.4 Lordus 2008/07/13
nesterDS+ Emulator based on nesterDS. 0.3.9 Tall Fatman 2008/04/18
ColecoDS ColecoVision emulator. 2.1 Alekmaul 2008/04/10
SNEmulDS SNES emulator. 0.6 Alpha Archeide 2007/10/09
PicoDriveDS Sega Genesis Emulator Port. 0.1.7 RyanFB 2007/04/02
SnezziDS Port of Snezziboy, an SNES emulator for the GBA, to the Nintendo DS platform. 0.28a bubble2k, Gary Linscott 2006/12/13
NesterDS A DS port of Nester, emulator for the NES/Famicom game console. 0.3 Rich Whitehouse 2006/11/23
Midori NES Emulator. 2006 AronBS 2006/08/20
GPNDS Megadrive/Genesis emulator. Port of Genesis Plus. 2006 bananaboy 2006/01/30
SnesDS SNES Emulator for DS. 2005 Loopy 2005/12/13
VectxDS Vectrex emulator. 0.1 Alekmaul 2005/09/07
RetroBoxDS Port of Retrobox, multi-console emulator. 2005 BlueHawk89 2005/08/10

Console | Handheld | Arcade | Computer | Other Emulators


Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
NitroSwan DS WonderSwan emulator for Nintendo DS. 0.6.6 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2024/09/19
tamaboy nds Tamagotchi v1 emulator 2024 Coto 2024/07/01
WasabiDS A Watara Supervision emulator for NDS. 0.2.4 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2024/04/10
NGPDS NeoGeo Pocket emulator for Nintendo DS. 0.5.7 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2024/01/24
GBARunner2 A GBA hypervisor/emulator for DS (like Nintendont for GC on Wii). 20200812 Gericom 2020/08/12
GameYob [Super] Gameboy [Color] emulator for the Nintendo [3]DS. 0.5.2 Drenn 2017/02/04
PokeMini DS Portable homebrew-emulator for Pokemon-Mini. 0.60 Justburn 2015/06/16
TempGBA Game Boy Advance emulator based on gpSP 0.9, Unofficial gpSP Kai 3.3 by Takka, and NDSGBA 1.21. 1.45 + mod Nebuleon, el al 2015/02/21
gbaemu4ds GBA emulator for DS(i). alpha 2 fix 4 ichfly 2012/12/23
dualSwan DLDI WonderSwan emulator with DLDI support. 1.23 avenir 2011/04/20
NDSGBA GBA emulator for DSTWO. 1.30 Supercard team 2010/10/22
iPlayer GBA Emulator GameBoy Advance(GBA) emulator for iPlayer only. Also known as NDS-GBA. 1.1 darkchen 2010/08/12
Lameboy DS Gameboy and Gameboy Colour emulator. 0.12 Nutki 2009/06/02
GBA exploader DS side application used to run GBA code. Formerly 3in1 ExpPack Tool. 0.58b Rudolph 2008/12/21
Rather A Cardfighter Emulator Neo Geo Pocket and Neo Geo Pocket Color emulator. Fixed Flavor 2008/01/15
DS Boy Game Boy emulator. 0.75 Brunni (mateom199) 2007/10/07
DSMasterplus Sega game Gear / Master System console emulator. 1.3a Alekmaul 2007/08/20
PotatorDS Watara Supervision emulator based on Potator. R1 Normmatt 2007/01/05
DualSwan WonderSwan emulator. 1.2.1 LiraNuna 2006/07/21
VirtuaMUnstaz DS Dreamcast VMU for DS, port from PSP version. Demo Normmatt 2006/06/13
Watari Watara Supervision Emulator. 0.4 Normmat 2006/03/20
DS GBC Game Boy and Gameboy Colour emulator. 0.1 Ethos 2005/08/11
DSMS Sega Master System and Game Gear emulator. 0.2 NeoFlash N3TKaT 2005/08/11
GameKengu DS An early version of Timetop GameKing emulator. 0.01 LiraNuna 2005/06/24

Console | Handheld | Arcade | Computer | Other Emulators


Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
DoubleDribbleDS Konami Double Dribble Arcade emulator for DS. 0.4.3 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2024/03/26
GreenBeretDS Green Beret, Rush n Attack and Mr. Goemon Arcade emulator. 0.6.2 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2024/03/22
FinalizerDS Konami Finalizer Arcade emulator for DS. 0.3.2 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2024/03/21
JackalDS Konami Jackal arcade emulator for DS. 0.2.4 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2024/03/21
JailBreakDS Konami Jail Break arcade emulator for DS. 0.3.7 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2024/03/18
SonSonDS Capcom Son Son arcade emulator for DS. 0.1.2 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2022/11/27
GhostsNGoblinsDS Capcom Ghosts N Goblins arcade emulator for DS. 0.1.6 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2022/04/11
IronHorseDS Konami Iron Horse arcade emulator for DS. 0.3.3 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2021/05/17
PunchOutDS Punch-Out!! arcade emulator for DS. 0.4.0 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2021/03/28
BlackTigerDS Black Tiger Arcade emulator for NDS. 0.1.10 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2021/03/26
RenegadeDS Renegade arcade emulator for DS. 0.1.0 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2021/03/23
YieArDS Yie Ar arcade emulator for DS. 0.1.5 Fredrik Ahlström (FluBBa) 2021/03/23
fba4dstwo Final Burn Alpha for DSTWO. 2017 crazii, rereprep 2017/08/21
DS Invaders A Space Invaders Arcade emulator. 1.5 Copper 2014/01/31
DSPack Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME). 1.95 Copper 2012/04/21
1943 DS 1943 arcade emulator (3 sets). 2.1.1 Copper 2011/05/15
BombJack DS BombJack arcade game emulator. 1.2.1 Copper 2011/05/14
MrDo DS Mr.Do!, Mr.Dos Castle, Do!Run Run and Mr.Dos Wild Ride arcade emulator. 2.1.1 Copper 2011/05/14
1942 DS Emulator for 1942 (all sets). 1.3 Copper 2011/05/08
Canyon DS Canyon Bomber (prototype set also) emulator. 1.1 Copper 2011/05/08
Pang DS Pang and Super Pang Arcade emulator. 2.1 Copper 2011/05/08
SnowBrosDS Arcade games emulator for Snow Bros.,Nick and Tom (all sets). 2.2 Copper 2011/05/08
Solomon's Key DS Solomons Key (US and Japan) Arcade Emulator. 1.2 Copper 2011/05/08
MAME4ALL DsTwo Port of MAME 0.37b5 emulator for Supercard DS Two only. 1.0 Alekmaul 2010/10/26
AemioDA Acronym for Arcade Emulator Made In One Day, Asteroid. 3.0 Alekmaul 2010/02/28
PuzzleKlax Arcade emulator for Klax and Tetris. 2.0 Alekmaul 2010/02/27
MarcaDS An arcade emulator. 4.0e Alekmaul 2007/07/30
Ghosts'n Run Arcade emulator for one game: Ghosts n Goblins. 1.0 Alekmaul 2007/03/17

Console | Handheld | Arcade | Computer | Other Emulators


Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
A8DS An Atari 8-bit computer emulator, specifically designed around the XE gaming system. 4.2 Dave Bernazzani (wavemotion) 2025/02/01
DS99/4a A Texas Instruments Emulator for the DS/DSi. 2.8 Dave Bernazzani (wavemotion-dave) 2025/01/19
atari800-nds Atari 8-bit computer and 5200 console emulator. 0.2.1 asiekierka 2022/06/07
ZXDS Sinclair ZX Spectrum thats support WiFi multiplayer. 1.4.0 Patrik Rak 2022/04/23
grape A work in progress Apple II emulator. 2014 lemonmeister 2014/05/03
MSX DS MSX / MSX 2 / MSX2+ home computer standard emulator. 0.94 Popolon 2012/08/29
DSx86 PC emulator that can run old DOS games. 0.43 Beta Patrick Aalto 2012/07/01
DSx86CFG Custom configuration for DSx86 (DOS emulator for the DS). 1.05 RyouArashi 2010/07/04
AMEDS Emulator of Amstrad CPC 664, CPC 6128. 4.0 Alekmaul 2010/04/25
ThomDS Thomson MO5 Computer emulator. 3.0 Alekmaul 2010/03/21
XRoar Dragon 32/64 emulator. 0.24fp3 Ciaran Anscomb 2009/11/30
SpectrumDS Emulator for Sinclair ZX Spectrum Computer (48k model only). 2009 Buzz 2009/04/20
DS81 Sinclair ZX81 emulator. 1.3 Ian Cowburn 2008/12/30
PomDS Apple II Emulator. 0.2 Alekmaul 2008/11/30
Mini vMac DS Macintosh plus emulator. R3 Lazyone 2008/11/09
Apple2DS Apple II Emulator. 2008 Grizzly Adams 2008/09/08
FrodoDS Emulator for Commodore 64 games. Complete Troy Davis (GPF) 2008/05/23
fmsxDS Emulator for MSX2 computer. 0.09 Nyagosu 2008/04/14
DSoric Oric Emulator for the Nintendo DS. 1.0 Alekmaul 2008/01/19
PokeyDS Atari 800XL computer emulator. 1.1 Alekmaul 2007/11/09
CrocoDS CPC 6128 (Amstrad CPC) emulator. 2.0 Redbug 2007/09/11
SpeccyDS Sinclair ZX Spectrum (48k model only) emulator. 0.3 craigt 2007/08/26
StyxDS An emulator Atari ST. 0.2a Redbug 2007/03/20
PenkoDS Emulator for Atari 800XL. 0.2a Miguel Vanhove (Redbug) 2007/02/02
geosDS Port of GEOS for Commodore 64 on the Nintendo DS. 1.0 Andreas Varga (mrsid) 2006/11/12
fmsxDSs Modified version of fmsxDS 0.03. R1 SaTa 2005/11/03
DSpec Zx Spectrum emulator. Preview Eighttwelve 2005/09/02

Console | Handheld | Arcade | Computer | Other Emulators

Other Emulators

Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
Title Description Version Author(s) Updated
ScummVM for NDS An emulator that allows you to run certain classic point and click adventure games on PC. 2.9.0 ScummVM Team 2024/12/23
MegaZeux DS DS port of MegaZeux Game Creation System (emulator/interpreter). 2.93b MegaZeux developers 2024/09/10
uxnds Emulator of a retro-style virtual machine/fantasy computer Unx. 0.5.2 asiekierka 2024/07/27
FAKE-08 DS A Pico-8 player/emulator for DS/DSi (wip). wip Epicpkmn11 2022/08/28
Chip-84 DS A CHIP-8/S-CHIP emulator for the Nintendo DS. 1.0.0 ckosmic 2020/10/11
Korg Monotron DS Korg Monotron Analogue Ribbon Synthesizer Emulator. 2017 furrtek 2017/02/26
DSMZX Emulator/interpreter of MegaZeux. 2009 Kevin Vance (kvance) 2009/10/18
Xyds XY-MINI emulator. 0.2 zzo38computer 2008/10/13
DSFrotz Port of Frotz, Z-machine interpreter to play text adventure games. 2.0 Beta-1 papafuji 2008/08/15
Java4NDS MIDP implementation running on the CLDC java machine compiled. 0.7.2 Ole, Davr 2008/07/06
Chip8me Chip-8 and Super Chip Emulator. 1.0 ETK 2008/03/28
DreamZZT DS Port of DreamZZT, a ZZT emulator on the Dreamcast. 3.1.500 c99koder 2007/08/05
DS Basic BASIC coder loader for the NDS. libfat zzo38computer, wintermute 2007/07/20
GZOIS for NDS Sharp Pocket Computer PC-E500 Emulator. 0.10 Matsumo 2007/06/30
GLK POGO Text adventure interpreters from Infocom Z-Machine ported to the NDS. 1.0 SASQ (Jonas Minnberg) 2006/11/27
nds-8 A chip8 emulator for NDS. 2005 Sephiroth87 2005/07/05
