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A5200DS Phoenix Edition

From GameBrew
A5200DS Phoenix Edition
AuthorDave Bernazzani (wavemotion)
Last Updated2025/01/30

a5200DS is an Atari VCS 5200 console emulator. It is based on A5200DS by Alekmaul. The Atari 5200 was a video game console released in 1982. It was designed to compete with the Intellivision and the ColecoVision. The console was a commercial failure due to a number of factors, including its high price, poor marketing, and lack of third-party support


  • Support for the original 69 commercial releases plus a couple hundred homebrews, hacks and prototypes.
  • All games run at full speed on a DSi or above. Most games will run at full speed on the older DS-Lite/Phat (some of the more complex conversions will lag).
  • Bankswitching carts up to 128K are supported. Bounty Bob Strikes Back is supported (though needs a DSi or better to run smoothly).
  • Games like Frogger and Q-Bert auto-patch so the button does not need to be pressed to move/hop.
  • Games like Robotron will auto configure twin-sticks so you can use the ABXY buttons to shoot while the d-pad moves.
  • 10 high-scores per game is saved to the SD card.


To use this emulator, you must use NTSC compatible roms with a52/bin format.

You also need the 5200.rom rom bios in the same folder as A5200DS.NDS (alternate locations it can be /roms/bios/ or /data/bios/) to use this emulator properly.

There is a built-in open-source replacement BIOS which will work for some games but doesn't have full compatibility so it is still strongly recommended you use 5200.bin.

User guide

When the emulator starts, click on the cartridge slot to choose a file.


Up/Down - Choose file

A - Load file


D-Pad - Joystick

A - Fire button 1

B - Shift button (Fire button 2)

X - FPS Display Toggle

Y - Full Speed Toggle

R - * button (often starts game)

L - # button (often changes game selection)

Start - Start button

Select - Pause button

L/R+Up/Dwon - Scaling

L+R+A hold for 1 se - Swap LCD screens

Use stylus on buttons for other actions on bottom screen.


a5200dswav3.png a5200dswav4.png


Most things are playing fine on a DSi. Most of the original commercial games (like Missile Command, Space Invaders, Centipede) will generally run fine on the older DS-LITE or DS-PHAT.


V3.7 2024/01/30

  • New banking handling so we only move pointers - not blocks of memory. Renders all 5200 Super Banked games playable.
  • New NTSC palette from Trebor's Pro Palette (NTSC_LUM1_HOT 5200).
  • Added 5200 512K Super Cart banking.
  • Improved Pokey emulation (around the random scanline start value - fixes one Acid800 test).
  • Improved keypad debounce for Star Raiders.
  • Improved sound handling to reduce pops/clicks. Increased the sample rate on the DSi for improved fidelity.
  • Added latest Atari 5200 hacks to the internal database.

V3.6 2024/01/08

  • Internal database updated to include known prototypes, hacks and other sundry 5200 games.
  • Codebase cleanup across the board.
  • Improved key debounce to fix lots of games including Star Raiders (which has a new overlay).
  • Color Artifacting added for the few games that utilize it (Choplifter, etc.)

V3.5a 2024/01/06

  • Major cleanup across the board - a few more frames of performance and many games on the older DS-Lite will now run full speed without frameskip.
  • Touch of paint on the main emulation screen to make the console buttons a bit more prominent.
  • New X button handling on the games that utilize more than 192 vertical pixels to smooth scroll upper/lower areas of the screen (usually just status/score in those areas so pressing the X button to bring them momentarily into view works fine).
  • About 50 new homebrews and hacks added to the internal database (up to 240 games now).
  • Version 3.5a improves keyboard debounce and adds a new Star Raiders custom overlay! Fixes for Phobos. Fixes for sound pops.

V3.5 2024/01/05

  • Major cleanup across the board - a few more frames of performance and many games on the older DS-Lite will now run full speed without frameskip.
  • Touch of paint on the main emulation screen to make the console buttons a bit more prominent.
  • New X button handling on the games that utilize more than 192 vertical pixels to smooth scroll upper/lower areas of the screen (usually just status/score in those areas so pressing the X button to bring them momentarily into view works fine).
  • About 50 new homebrews and hacks added to the internal database (up to 240 games now).

V3.4a 2023/05/15

  • Another frame or two of performance from memory optmizations.
  • Removed lots of obsoleted code to streamline the build.
  • Added a new DSi special build that will finally run Bosconian at full speed with speech as long as you are in DSi (2x CPU) mode.
  • Added tweaks and support for latest homebrew carts like Rob-N-Banks.
  • Version 3.4a fixes the high-score file name.

V3.4 2023/05/01

  • Another frame or two of performance from memory optmizations.
  • Removed lots of obsoleted code to streamline the build.
  • Added a new DSi special build that will finally run Bosconian at full speed with speech as long as you are in DSi (2x CPU) mode.
  • Added tweaks and support for latest homebrew carts like Rob-N-Banks.

V3.3a 2023/04/30

  • v3.3a hotfix for sound pops. Sorry!
  • Improved screen blend so it leaves less visible artifacts.
  • Improved sound mute so it eliminates most of the little pops.
  • Built with latest libnds to keep things fresh.

V3.2 2021/12/12

  • Reverted back to ARM7 SoundLib (a few games missing key sounds).

V3.1 2021/11/30

  • Switched to maxmod audio library for improved sound.
  • Try to start in /roms or /roms/a5200 if possible.

V3.0 2021/11/04

  • New sound core to eliminate zingers.
  • 5200.rom bios can be in /roms/bios or /data/bios.

Release notes.


External links
