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PSP Game Clock

From GameBrew
PSP Game Clock
AuthorAndrew Church
Last Updated2010/04/29

PSP game clock (対局時計) is a program that implements a simple game clock as used, for example, in the games of chess or Go.

The clock counts down time remaining for each of two players; when a player makes a move, they press the shoulder button on their side (the L or R button) to stop their clock and start their opponent's clock.


Copy the GOCLOCK folder onto /PSP/GAME/ of your Memory Stick.

User guide

Upon starting the program, the PSP's screen will display "0:00" for both players. The starting time must be set before the clock can be used.

To set the starting time, hold down the SELECT button, and both clocks will begin to flash. While SELECT is held down, press right or left on the directional pad to increase or decrease the starting time by one minute; press up or down to increase or decrease the starting time by ten minutes. The maximum allowed starting time is 9:59 (9 hours, 59 minutes), and the clock will wrap around from 9:59 to 0:00 while it is being set. When the desired starting time is reached, release the SELECT button.

To start the clock at the beginning of a game, the player who moves second should press the shoulder button (the L or R button) on their side of the PSP. For example, if the player who moves second is using the clock on the right-hand side of the PSP's screen, they should press the R button to start the left-hand clock running for the first move. After each player makes a move, that player should then press their shoulder button to stop their clock and start the other player's clock.

The player whose turn it is will be indicated by a white box around that player's clock, and a flashing colon (":") shows that the clock is running. The digits display hours and minutes if ten minutes or more remain, switching to minutes and seconds at 9 minutes 59 seconds and below. A warning beep will sound at one minute remaining, then again at 30 seconds, 20 seconds, 10 seconds, and once a second thereafter. For the last five seconds, the clock will play a continuous beep; when this beep ends, the player's time has run out, and both clocks will stop running.

To temporarily stop the clock, press the START button. The clock can be restarted either by pressing START again, in which case the same player's clock will resume counting down, or by pressing the L or R button as usual.

To reset the clock, press the SELECT button while the clock is stopped (either from pressing START or because one player has run out of time). In order to avoid accidental resets, the clock cannot be reset while it is running.


Hold Select - Set the starting time (use D-Pad to adjust, release Select to confirm)

L/R - Start the clock

Start - Pause/Resume the clock (press Select while paused to reset the clock)



External links
