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Custom Home | |
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Author | ABCanG |
Type | Plugins |
Version | 1.3.4 |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2013/06/21 |
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CustomHOME, or Custom Home, is a plugin that makes Home menu more convenient, it replaces the classic Home menu for a menu with more functions and is developed by ABCanG (aka abcang1015).
This was submitted to the PSP Genesis Competition 2011 (Plugins).
- Capable of resetting games including ISOs and Homebrews.
- Turn off the PSP.
- Suspend the PSP.
- Pause games.
- Able to automatically pause the game when opening the menu.
- Able to be used in conjunction with PSPStates.
- Capable of displaying the screen's brightness level.
- Show volume bar.
- Show current day, date and time.
- Show percentage of battery charge and remaining time.
Put cushome directory in seplugins directory on your PSP Memory Stick.
Download and put lib folder in the seplugins directory.
Then modify game.txt in the seplugins folder and append this line
Reboot your PSP and enable the plugin.
Note: For a different language, you need to rename the file to lang.ini.
User guide
Menu options
Main menu | |
Exit Game | Exit the game and return XMB. |
Reset Game | Restart the game (disabled if you use Prometheus ISO Loader) |
Shutdown | Shutdown PSP. |
Standby | Suspend PSP. |
Pause/Resume | Game pause/resume (only Stop Game is Off). |
Back | Close menu. |
ConnectUSB | Connect USB. |
PspStates | Show PspStates menu. |
Setting Menu: | |
SwapButton | Change enter button (Cross or Circle). |
Mute | Mute when menu show (On or Off). |
StopGame | Stop the game when the menu displays (On or Off). |
MenuPos | Change menu position (Up or Down). |
ColorSetting | Change interface color. |
MenuSetting | Menu sort. |
BarSetting | Setting bar item positon. |
Use PSPStates in CustomHOME
Please note you need to use pspstates_kai.prx (not applicable for pspstates.prx).
Put pspstates_kai.prx in the seplugins directory, with PSPStates enabled on CustomHOME setteings.
Edit date format
You can edit the lang.ini, using the following settings.
%weekday %day %monthname %monthnum %year %hour24 %hour12 (time format 12) %min %sec %ampm
Example 1 [%weekday %monthnum-%day-%year %hour24]
Example 2 %weekday, %day. %monthname %year %hour12:%min:%sec %ampm
Customize wallpaper
Please place the 480x272 BMP to /cushome/image/ directory.
It will be chosen ramdonly if there are multiple images within the folder.
Home - Display menu
Select - Setting menu
Start - Pause game
D-Pad - Move between options
Cross - Accept, Change option
Circle - Back, Cancel
Left/Right - Change color
Triangle+D-Pad - Change display position
Square+Up/Down - Change display priorities
Left/Right - Bar pattern change
Works on the following Custom Firmwares:
5.00 M33
6.20 PRO
6.39 PRO
6.39 ME
6.60 PRO
6.60 ME
1.3.4 2013/06/21
- Fixed a bug that some wallpaper is not displayed well.
- Update cushome.prs.
1.3.3 2013/04/07
- Fixed a bug that wallpaper appears only once.
1.3.2 2013/04/06
- Fixed a bug that you can not exit in some games.
- Changed how to operate the menu of PSPStates (please update prxcmlib_pack).
1.3.1 2013/03/17
- Fixed some bugs.
1.3.0 2013/03/14
- Corresponds to the loading of the wallpaper (please place the 480*272 size BMP to cushome/image/ folder.If you place it with multiple, it is chosen at random).
1.2.1 2013/03/10
- Fixed a bug this plug-in does not work on some homebrew.
1.2.0 2013/03/09
- Changed the specification significantly.
- Increase degree of stability.
- Changed to run on homebrew valid HOME screen.
- Added the ability to save state by pressing yes while holding down the L trigger in Exit Game dialog (Go only. Please release the L trigger when HOME screen is closed. Note this feature is temporary).
1.1.0 2012/02/14
- Fixed a bug that does not work on PSP1000.
- Add Chinese ini file.
- Fixed many minor bugs.
1.0.0 2012/01/01
- End beta version, became the official version.
- Settings can be specified in detail.
- Separate configuration files and language files (So, please update ini file.)
- Stop support Homebrew.
beta 0.9.1 2011/10/09
- Change CPU/BUS display position.
beta 0.9.0 2011/10/09
- Add edit plugin-txt function. This can not load up to only 22 lines.
beta 0.8.3 2011/10/02
- Fix suspend thread bug.
beta 0.8.2 2011/09/25
- Add disp CPU/BUS function.
- Fix pspstates_kai.prx bug.
- Update iniLibraryPortable.
beta 0.8.1 2011/09/19
- Fix GameReset bug.
beta 0.8.0 2011/09/18
- Fix a few bugs.
- Change draw way.
- Update cushome.prs.
- Add connect USB function.
- Add color change type.
beta 0.7.2 2011/09/01 - Fix a few bugs.
- Add Homebrew option.
- Add selectable colors (Chose pressing [<-] or [->], and decide pressing [X]).
- Add ini file (Thanks Llywelyn).
beta 0.7.1 2011/08/16
- Fix ini file bug (Please replace new ini file).
beta 0.7.0 2011/08/16
- Supported CFW6.60.
- Fix "%monthname" display.
- Were able to stop the game by pressing START.
- Was to open the setting screen by pressing SELECT.
- Fix a few bugs.
- Changes to [X] button to select [O] button to return and close the menu by pressing the HOME (Alternates with [›] and [~] have enabled SwapButton).
- Supported spstates_kai.prx (pspstates is not Supported).
- Add "states_menu_pict" function (Thanks plum, hiroi01, neur0n).
- IniLibraryPortable changed from iniLibrary (Thanks hiroi01).
- Remove some functions.
- Update cushome.prs.
- Add icon (Thanks SAL).
beta 0.6.4 2011/07/24
- Fix game reset function.
- Changed to work only with the game that is shown the original HOME menu (There is no need to update cmlib).
beta 0.6.3 2011/07/16
- Support for FW6.39 - 05g model.
- Changing the settings menu to new style.
- Change the position of the game ID, Brightness, name of the game.
- Add brightness icon (Thanks Lock).
beta 0.6.2 2011/07/10
- Fix battery icon.
- Add brightness display.
- Changes to the selected point at the top when you redisplay the menu.
- Supported pspstates.
beta 0.6.1 2011/6/25
- You can display warning when battery is low and menu display.
- prxlibmenu.prx and cmLibMask.prx support. So,please place the lib folder (They are also used pwrCtrl).
- [add]You can network update from Internet radio. Please place the "cushome.prs" onms0:/PSP/RADIOPLAYER.
beta 0.6
- Menu and Volume is able to hide after a few seconds (Thanks SnyFbSx).
- The settings can detail change.
- Change font color (red, green or blue).
- Hide the menu when pressing "<-" ,display the menu when pressing"->".
beta 0.5 fix
- Fix language display.
- Fix readme txt.
beta 0.5
- Fixed not disabled bug when you start pressing HOME buttons.
- Fixed Do not displayed the battery time remaining on PSPGo.
- Fixed button behavior bug that happens when the Menu.
- Remove the display brightness.
- The description can be enabled/disabled.
- German support (Fsi09 Thank you).
- Support CFW6.39.
- Add a confirmation dialog.
- The trial games's Game ID is displayed.
- Add a function that stop the game when the menu display.
- Add pause function (Only Stop Game is OFF).
beta 0.4
- GameID is displayed (You can change from settings).
- Support PSPGo and Homebrew.
- Add mute function (You can change from settings).
- Fixed settings are not saved.
beta 0.3
- You don't need restart after changing.
- Add restart game function (This function disabled when you use "Prometheus ISO Loader").
- Fixed to show all games (There are some flickers of the screen and noises of the sound).
- The game name is displayed.
- Customizable dates format is now available.
- PSPGo and PS1 are not support.
beta 0.2
- The volume and brightness are displayed.
- The language change support (Japanese or English).
- The button change support. You need restart after changing.
- hiroi01, SnyFbSx, j416dy, neur0n, plum, mafu, Dadrfy, estuibal.
- iniLibrary by hiroi01.
- LibMenu by maxem.
- prxlibmenu by wn.
- Translate by SnyFbSx, mamosuke, Misaka.
- German translate by Fsi09, flofrucht.
- Thanks every developers.
External links
- Author's website -
- Wololo -