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Noise Commander 3DS Demo

From GameBrew
Noise Commander 3DS Demo
TypeMusic Apps
Last Updated2025/02/01
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Noise Commander 3DS is a sample based groovebox app for the Nintendo 3DS.

The full version can be accessed from their Patreon page.


Noise Commander 3DS tutorial mission 01 (0.0.11) (Noise Commander 3DS)

Latest but not greatest news on Noise Commander 3DS (June 11/24) (Noise Commander 3DS)



  • Added
    • Current octave is displayed in right-side status column
    • B + Y inserts a hard note off value (in contrast A + B changes the note length to current row)
    • "Tune to C" button in instrument view - simple zero-crossing method, sometimes off by one note - not perfect
    • Pop-up dialog for downloading demo-samples appears at startup if the samples directory is empty
  • Changed
    • Changed initial reverb default value from 10 to 0
    • Matrix view displays phrase numbers in hex now and coarse edits offsets by 16
    • Renamed "Pattern Settings" screen to "Mono to Stereo Settings" and remove redundant controls
    • Hid obsolete Grid-Editor view and replaced "Assign" button with "Randomize all samples" button
    • Double tapping A shortcut for row-launching in clip-matrix view
  • Fixed
    • Shifting single note row with A+DPAD UP/DOWN does not work without selection sometimes
    • Row lengths don't update when inserting or removing row in matrix view
    • Bus-numbers display range started at zero, now starts a one
    • Notes are still played when erasing notes with L + Pad
    • Clearing a pattern un-assigns samples from instruments
    • Avoid handing reserved sample, pattern or instrument with zero index to the user (adjusted related functions in code)
    • Wrong tempo value shown in tempo-dialog


  • Added
    • Per-bus probability setting ("BChance" in Bus-FX view)
    • Per-lane probability setting ("LnChance" in tracker bottome companion view)
    • Per-note probability setting in tracker companion screen (Percentage column)
      • If the first hex digit is zero then the second number represents a percentage (1=10%, 5=50% etc.)
      • 0F ("First") is a one-off trigger, only fired when the phrase plays for the first time
      • If the first hex digit is non-zero then the trigger occurs every nth out of x times (x being the second digit)
        • e.g. "14" plays every first out of four times and so forth (the maximum is 8/8)
    • Splash screen
  • Changed
    • Removed automatic insertion of note length in tracker editor
    • Files are now sorted alphabetically in browsers
    • The phrase length now updates to the total length of the four euclideans whenever a value is changed
    • Added dynamic length toggle ("Len") button to second page in euclidean view (off by default)
      • When enabled, the clip length is set to the total euclidean length whenever a value is changed
    • The "All", "Bus" and "Selected" lane mode buttons now behave as mutually exclusive radio buttons
    • The Y-button now resets the selected parameter in instrument view
    • A unique instrument is assigned to each lane's first clip when creating a new project
    • Default template is created by code when no template.nsm file is found
    • Follow- and narrow modes are now initially active by default in tracker view
  • Fixed
    • Deleting notes by holding L+Pad was broken
    • Reverb-tail never ends due to fixed-point math (replaced with float for fix)
    • Instruments not duplicated by "Duplicate Uniquely" if instrument column is empty in matrix view
    • Note with no volume value should play at full level but was quieter (64 instead of 0x64)

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