UnrealNX Switch

From GameBrew
LicenseMIT License
Last Updated2022/10/27

This is a Switch port/loader for Unreal and Unreal Gold. It loads the aarch64-linux binaries supplied with the 227j patch for Unreal/Unreal Gold, patches them and runs them, similar in function to the Max Payne Mobile loader.

Currently pretty unstable as exception handling is broken, meaning any non-fatal error will cause a crash.


You will need an Unreal or Unreal Gold installation patched with the OldUnreal 227j patch. Unfortunately oldunreal.com seems to disallow direct linking to files, so click the link at the bottom of that post to get it.

Ensure that the patch is installed correctly: when installing make sure to tick every box, but only tick "Return to Na Pali support" if you have Unreal Gold. If you don't have a folder called SystemARM in the Unreal folder, you need to reinstall the patch. Simply run the installer again to do that.

How to install:

  • Create a folder called unreal in the switch folder on your SD card.
  • Copy the contents of your Unreal or UnrealGold folder into /switch/unreal/.
  • Extract the contents of the .zip file from the latest release into /switch/unreal/. Replace everything.

The game will show an error message if it detects that anything is wrong. It will also output error messages to SystemARM/fatal.log and SystemARM/UnrealLinux.log. Please read those and check the relevant parts of your setup.

If the error says Could not patch ... or Could not load *.so, that likely means you have the wrong Unreal version. You need 227j specifically.

User guide


  • This will only work with Unreal/UnrealGold 227j right now. If 227k is released, the loader will most likely have to be updated to support it.
  • This will likely not work in applet/album mode. Use a proper game override.
  • You can bring up the on-screen keyboard by pressing Minus at any time.


  • The performance is subpar, mostly because of the dynamic lights. You can disable dynamic lights to get a performance increase at the cost of all the pretty lighting effects in the game (including your flares and flashlight and any time a light turns on or off). To do that, in SystemARM/UnrealLinux.ini look for NoDynamicLights and set it to True.
  • You can also disable volumetric lights to get a small performance increase in some areas with less of an impact on visuals. To do that, in SystemARM/UnrealLinux.ini look for all instances of VolumetricLighting and set them to False. There might be other config parameters that affect performance, but I haven't explored that much yet.
  • You can enable the advanced XOpenGL renderer, though it hasn't been tested much, does not seem to improve performance and will probably explode. To do that, in SystemARM/UnrealLinux.ini change GameRenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice to GameRenderDevice=XOpenGLDrv.XOpenGLRenderDevice.
  • Joystick sensitivity can be adjusted for each axis individually in the SystemARM/User.ini file. Search for for SpeedBase and edit the number for each axis to your liking.


  • Trying to join a multiplayer game or opening the server browser will likely cause the game to crash. Hosting a multiplayer game or playing Botmatch seems to work, though.
  • Exiting and relaunching the game will cause it to crash. Quit out of hbmenu after exiting the game to avoid that.
  • If you see any appThrowf errors, first try to re-extract the .zip file again, replacing everything.
  • Return to Na Pali may crash on new game with an error about UPakFonts. To fix that get the original 3 MB UPakFonts.utx file from the Textures folder on your Unreal Gold CD or unpatched Unreal Gold install and replace the one in /switch/unreal/Textures.





Known issues

  • The game can crash on any non-fatal error, such as missing textures for a map, and is probably generally unstable.
  • The performance sucks, mostly because of the dynamic lights. See the README for some potentially performance-increasing options.
  • Multiplayer does not work properly and will most likely just crash, except for Botmatch.



  • Fixed crash when saving the game anywhere except Vortex2.
  • Perhaps made the game a bit more stable.


  • Initial release.


  • OldUnreal for the 227j patch.
  • Switchbrew for libnx.
  • devkitPro for devkitA64.

External links
