Sora no Woto - Otome no Gojuusou Translation PSP

From GameBrew
Sora no Woto: Otome no Gojuusou Translation
Last Updated2016/05/06

This is an English translation patch for the PSP viaual novel Sora No Woto: Otome no Gojuusou.

The story follows the main characters from the Sora No Woto anime for twelve days as they live their lives in the time-telling fortress. It occurs an undetermined amount of time after the events of the anime as their nowadays peaceful lives are shaken up when someone from Rio’s past appears just as the city prepares for a festival.

For those who are more interested in the technical background, check out the source code on GitHub for most of the tools the team created to translate the VN.


  • Fully translated.


Game information
Japanese title ソ・ラ・ノ・ヲ・ト 乙女ノ五重奏
Aliases Sora no Woto: Otome no Gojuusou
English title Sound of the Sky: Quintet of Maidens
ROM information
ROM format ISO
Serial ULJM-05673

How to use the patcher:

  • Rip your copy of the game to an ISO file, run the patcher, and then open the ISO.
  • It does not matter if the ISO is encrypted or decrypted.
  • The patcher has also been tested to work with WINE.

Alternatively you can use the xdelta3 (.xd3) patch with xdelta:
xdelta3 -d -s your.iso our.xd3 translated.iso

User guide

There is a small town called Seize in Helvetia. Kanata is a girl who is inspired to join the military after witnessing a rendition of Amazing Grace by a mysterious trumpeter of the Helvetian Army. Becoming a bugler, she is assigned to the 1121st Platoon stationed in the town of Seize, where she is taken into the care of 2nd Lt. Filicia Heideman, M/Sgt. Rio Kazumiya and the rest of the 1121st Platoon.

One day, Filicia receives an offer to perform a concert at the festival. Though all other members are reluctant to accept the offer, Kanata gets excited. “I wanna listen to your performance again. Also, it’ll be great to play all together!” Like this, they decide to accept the offer…





You can either play it on a PSP, a PS Vita, or a PSP emulator like PPSSPP.

Note that in order to play the intro video, it requires PSP Firmware 6.20 or newer.

External links
