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Odamex | |
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Author | Ch0wW, The Odamex Team |
Type | Shooter |
Version | 0.9.2 |
License | GPL-2.0 |
Last Updated | 2021/05/27 |
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A classic DooM multiplayer odamex port for Nintendo Switch.
Odamex is a portable source port with a focus on client/server multiplayer of classic Doom, Boom, MBF and early ZDoom content. Odamex's interface resembles its old-school ZDoom roots, but the port is close enough to Vanilla to run many (but not all) Doom 1.9 demos, including the demo reel. In addition to its strong netcode, other significant modern features include a truecolor software renderer, widescreen, uncapped frame rates, on-the-fly wad loading, and net demos with playback controls.
Note: The project is no longer updated.
- Full Client/Server multiplayer architecture with network compensation features (unlagged, client interpolation and prediction).
- Support for up to 255 players.
- Various compatibility settings, to emulate vanilla Doom, Boom, or ZDoom physics and fixes.
- Playback and recording of vanilla demos.
- A fully-featured client netdemo record system with playback control.
- Removal of most vanilla Doom Static limits.
- Support for most Boom and MBF mapping features.
- The traditional old-school style of Deathmatch and a Cooperative mode, but also other game modes such as Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag.
- Support for Survival, Last Man Standing, Last Team Standing, LMS CTF, 3-WAY CTF, and Attack & Defend game modes.
- Competitive-ready features, such as a warmup mode, round system, player queue, or playercolor overriding.
- Several modern ZDoom additions, such as slopes, LANGUAGEv2 or MAPINFOv2 lump support.
- An array of editing features, including the Hexen map format, DeHackEd and BEX patch support and ACS up to ZDoom 1.23.
- Native Joystick support.
- Several additional music formats, such as MOD and OGG.
- In-Engine WAD downloader.
- Allow on-the-fly WAD loading.
- A 32-bit Color depth/true color renderer.
- Full Widescreen support.
- Ultra high resolution support (up to 8K).
- Uncapped and raised framerate.
- Takes advantage of widely used libraries to port it to new devices with ease.
Unzip everything at the root of the SD Card.
Add your WAD files (DOOM.WAD, DOOM2.WAD, FREEDOOM.WAD, ...) into sdmc:/switch/odamex/wads/.
Start Odamex in the HBL menu in full applet mode.
User guide
Odamex fully supports online multiplayer and is fully cross-platform among PC, Mac, Linux or console users. However, a launcher is currently in the works, but you can still manually connect to servers.
Syntax: connect IP:PORT <password>
Example: connect
If you need a list of servers, please go to in order to get a list with their IPs.
L/R - Zooms the automap out/in
A - Adds a point on the automap
B - Clears the points on the automap
X - Grid mode
Y - Follow mode
CHAT & Chatmacros:
Press Minus and hold any of the following buttons to send a pre-written message.
B - "Hello !"
A - "I'm ready to kick butt !"
X - "HELP !"
Y - "Good game !"
L Shoulder - "No"
R Shoulder - "Yes"
L Trigger - "Thanks for the game, see ya !"
R Trigger - "I'm on a Nintendo Switch, can only use macros."
Plus - "I'll take care of it"
Right Stick - "COME HERE"
if you don't use macros, press X to open up the virtual keyboard. Press then A to send the message.
Known issues
- Loading times makes the game go faster, to keep with uncapped framerates. It could lead to desyncs online until it syncs back after a few seconds. The same behaviour can happen if you go to the home menu, or put the console into sleep mode.
- When starting the game, the keyboard will suddently appear. This is because of the way we currently handle the SDL2 keyboard.
- Partial invisibility is blending in red in 32bit color mode, not black.
- Quitting the game may give an error message that could make you unable to start any application, unless restarting the console.
- MAP08's sounds are no longer ear-splitting.
- Sounds no longer vanish when many sounds are playing using the default sound channel setting of 32.
- Many MAPINFO errors were squashed, allowing the loading of yet more WAD files with modern mapinfos.
- Many bits of broken behavior surrounding doors were fixed.
- Many sources of crashes were taken care of, particularly the ones that were causing severe instability in the Linux and unreleased (0.9.1) Mac client.
- Alright, we figured out the cause of the crash on exit, and the build is, once again, updated (that's the last one before the next official update - or server launcher -, I promise). It'll still stay on a black screen, but at least the configs will be properly saved.
- Added in the menu a "save configuration" option so that you can still manually save. As a bonus, it also includes the latest stable commit that fixes important issues with doors and more WAD compatibility support. Binary is updated in the main thread and below.
- A bigger stability in loading custom WADs and demos.
- Connecting to servers is way more consistent for unstable connections.
- Downloading wads that are known to have several "final" versions can be downloaded without trouble.
- More CVARs to customize the client (and server).
- Removal of recording vanilla demos (playback still works).
- Recording online demos shouldn't crash anymore on playback due to missed data.
- Once again, lots of fixes done to the port and WAD compatibility.
- Release post.
- Switch support is now official, meaning you can freely contribute to the project, with compilation instructions directly.
- Odamex includes an even better compatibility with custom wads.
- There's an ingame WAD downloader.
- Joystick support has been improved.
- Support of Survival, Last Man Standing and a new variant of CTF gamemode.
- Massive, MASSIVE bugfixes.
- Release post.
- Updated with Odamex 0.8.1's release.
- Added a very basic multiplayer submenu in order not to have some very specific binds in your config (like the votes, spectating, or to chat).
- Added support for chat/teamchat.
- Added chat macros (more informations below).
- Added complete support for the automap (see below).
- You can now change faster your color.
- As a spectator, DPAD-LEFT (previous player) and DPAD-RIGHT (next player) have been hardcoded to watch other player's PoV.
- Added experimental values for the joystick that will make you closer to do SR40. You can enable it in the joystick menu.
- Fix "kill" command spam, and fix the command being usable during the intermission screen.
- Reenabled classic Coop scoreboard online, and during demos.
- Added con_autohide to hide the console on specific conditions.
- Fix classic deathmatch demos to not properly sync after a player's death.
- Fixed a case where TDM scores weren't properly refreshed on non-warmup games.
- Secrets are now syncronized between clients.
- Added support for Freedoom up to 0.12.1. Please note the game now makes you aware if you are using an outdated IWAD.
- Team/Chat beeps can now be disabled. Please be aware that Odamex still makes chat from the server itself is still audible.
- Fix clients being able to get stuck on a stair with sv_unblockplayers.
- New CVAR sv_nompthings to remove mp-only items.
- New CVAR sv_instantswitch to instantly change weapons.
- Added a door fix from Nautilus.
- Added network loop improvements from jsd.
- Added new CVARs sv_coop_completionist, sv_skipkills, sv_skipsecrets for a new coop mutator called "the completionist". Callvote calls are also *Supported (thanks jsd).
- Client fixes from jsd.
- Recompiled with latest libnx builds.
- Added co_fixarchvileflame CVAR to potentially fix the archvile's flame going crazy on rare occasions.
- Added support for Episode 4's PAR times (from Doom 3 BFG's).
- Menu hotkeys are now working again.
- Odamex now auto-disables a few options in SP/MP in the menu (such as load/save).
- Added support for skystretch | forcenoskystretch | nocrouch in the MAPINFO.
- map "lobby" now enables the lobby's MAPINFO flag.
- Some various platform-specific WADDIR optimisations have been made.
- Cheat "give" now works again.
- Disable cheat "IDDT" after loading a new map or joining a server.
- Cheat commands "IDDQD", "IDKFA" and "MDK" have been created.
- Added basic binding support for the automap.
- Updated with the latest libnx libraries, for 9.0 support.
- Automap is now bound by default to (-) instead of RSHOULDER.
- Fix for bug #1280 (forced colors after switching teams aren't properly refreshed).
- Fix team scores increasing during warmup.
- Fix callvote arguments being case-sensitive.
- (unsure if will be felt or not) mouse support is disabled because of the latest update..
- Compiling Odamex is now easier since it is integrated within the CMake fil.
- iD Software, definitely for Doom.
- [B]@fgsfds[/B] for making the strong foundations of the port.
- The Odamex team for Odamex itself.
External links
- Author's website -
- GitHub -
- GBAtemp -
- ForTheUsers -