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DayViewer | |
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Author | Total_Noob |
Type | Plugins |
Version | 7 |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2010/01/25 |
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DayViewer is a plugin that allows you to edit the clock string and add more features like weekday, monthname, year, battery percent, battery lifetimer.
It was featured in the NEO Summer Coding Compo 2009 (PSP App, 3rd place).
Copy dayviewer.prx and dayviewer_config.txt to the seplugins folder to your Memory Stick.
Open vsh.txt within the same seplugins directory and append this line
ms0:/seplugins/dayviewer.prx 1
Take a look in dayviewer_config.txt then reboot your PSP.
User guide
Translation and edit clock string
The config file for the translation and the clock string is dayviewer_config.txt.
- To show the percentage symbol, write "%%".
- To make a new line, write "\".
- If you make a new line, the clock string will slide up. Write "\" at the beginning of the string to fix that.
- You can write a maximun of 100 characters for the clock string.
Clock string and examples
For the clock string, you can use any of the following.
%weekday %day %monthname %month %year %hour12 (time format 12) %hour %min %sec %ampm %batpercent %batlifehour (battery life hour) %batlifemin (battery life minutes)
Example 1:
[SuperHero, %month-%day-%year %hour:%min:%sec %batpercent%%]
Will be displayed as
[SuperHero, 02-14-1999 08:21:33 62%]
Example 2:
\%weekday, %day. %monthname %year %hour12:%min:%sec %ampm\CFW 5.50GEN-D3
Will be displayed as
Monday, 23. June 2011 07:48:51 PM CFW 5.50GEN-D3
Tested on:
3.80 M33 (v3 beta)
3.90 M33 (v3 beta)
4.01 M33 (v3 beta)
5.00 M33-4/6
5.03 HEN-C (v6)
5.50 MHU
5.50 GEN-A/B/D3
6.20 TN-C (unofficial v7)
6.3x (v7)
6.60 ME (v7)
- Now you have the full possibility to edit the clock string to your desire.
- Added battery lifetime.
- Fixed incompatibility with AutoStart PRX.
- Solved bug in unicode encoding: some character didn't show correctly.
- Thanks to mom and dad.
- Thanks to MaGiXieN for all his support and betatesting.
- Thanks to pspflashsystem for the battery percent and battery lifetime idea.
- Thanks to Jado & Malaky & nickxab for betatesting.
External links
- Author's website -
- QuickJump -
- NeoFlash -