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Backstab HD Vita | |
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Author | gl33ntwine, Rinnegatamante |
Type | Action |
Version | 1.0 |
License | MIT License |
Last Updated | 2023/03/28 |
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The is a loader of the Android release of Backstab HD v1.2.8d, allows to run the game on PS Vita.
Based on the Android SO Loader by TheFloW, the loader provides a tailored, minimalistic Android-like environment to run the official ARMv7 game executable on the PS Vita.
Note: The authors of this work do not support or encourage piracy in any form. To launch and play the game on their PS Vita device, users must have legally obtained their own copy of the game in the form of an .apk file.
(Recommended) Make sure that you are either on 3.60 enso or 3.65 enso firmware version. Other versions may work too, but no support are provided for them. If you experience any issues apart from described in the Known issues section, please upgrade or downgrade your firmware before asking for support.
- libshacccg.suprx (ShaRKBR33D)
- Kubridge
- FdFix OR repatch_ex.skprx
- Android game data files.
- Copy kubridge.skprx and fd_fix.skprx to your taiHEN plugins folder (usually ur0:tai) and add two entries to your config.txt under *KERNEL:
*KERNEL ur0:tai/kubridge.skprx ur0:tai/fd_fix.skprx
- Note: Don't install fd_fix.skprx if you're using the rePatch plugin.
- Make sure you have libshacccg.suprx in the ur0:/data/ folder on your console. If you don't, use ShaRKBR33D to get it quickly and easily.
- Legally obtain your copy of BackStab HD for Android in a form of an .apk file and data files. This port is tailored for v1.2.8d (latest) version of the game. Other versions may work too but no support is provided for them.
- If you have it installed on your phone, you can get all the required files directly from it or by using any APK extractor you can find on Google Play.
- Verify that your build is the correct one using sha1sum (can also be found as an online tool). sha1sum for "lib/armeabi-v7a/" must be
- Open the .apk with any zip explorer (like 7-Zip) and extract the file "lib/armeabi-v7a/" from the .apk into ux0:data/backstab/ on your Vita. Example of correct resulting path: ux0:data/backstab/
- Fetch the game data files from your device. You can find them at /sdcard/gameloft/games. Copy the "" folder to ux0:data/backstab/ on your Vita. Example of correct resulting path: ux0:data/backstab/
- Install BackstabHD.vpk (from Releases).
- When you launch the game for the first time, open the in-game settings (cogwheel icon in main menu), and do two things:
- Reduce controls sensitivity to minimum.
- In "Control Scheme", select Control Scheme 2.
- (Optional) Tap Settings in the bottom left corner of the port's LiveArea to adjust some settings. Namely, you can change analog sticks dead zones, change graphical detail level, and enable FPS limiter.
User guide
Backstab is a 2011 adventure-style game released for iOS and Android devices by Gameloft. Take on the role of Henry Blake, a broken man whose life was stripped away, and help in his quest for justice and revenge.
Climb, jump and sneak your way through diverse settings to reach your target and strike down adversaries. Use your deadly fighting skills and the combo-based combat system to defeat your nemesis and anyone else who gets in your way.
Left Analog or D-Pad - Move
Right Analog - Control camera
Left - Aim Mode
Right - Fire, Special attack (when prompted in combat)
Cross - Jump, Sheathe sword
Circle - Counter-attack (when prompted in combat)
Square - Attack
Triangle - Interact, Switch ranged weapon (when aiming)
Triangle (Hold) - Call horse (only on some locations)
Right+Square - "Vengeance" mode (when prompted in combat)
Select - Open Map
Start - Open Menu
Touchscreen - Menus control (please don't try to use buttons or analogs)
BackStab (Android/iOS Longplay, FULL GAME, No Commentary) (Longplay Express)
Known issues
- On first levels, sometimes a loss of some sound (random, could be some of sfx, music or dialogue) may occur. Most likely, can not be fixed.
- Starting a new game over an old save loads the old save instead. If you're out of slots, you'll have to remove save files manually from the data folder.
- First Release.
- Andy "The FloW" Nguyen for the original .so loader.
- Rinnegatamante for a lot of work he did with VitaGL specifically to make this port possible, Audio Player code, and many other great things.
- CatoTheYounger for tremendous amount of testing. Not the hero we deserved, but the one we need.
- Once13One for his beautiful LiveArea assets.
- Dieter B., CatoTheYounger, Arka Mukherjee, Edgar Morales, Sergey Galdin: my dearest Patrons.