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Age of Empires II PSP | |
![]() | |
General | |
Author | MasterMen |
Type | Demos |
Version | 0.2 indev b0002 |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2020/10/03 |
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0.2 & 0.1 Download | |
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A test demo Lua homebrew based on the real-time strategy game franchise Age of Empires.
Main Menu:
R/L - Choose options
Cross - Confirmation
Circle - Cancel
Select - Screenshot
In game:
Square+D-Pad - Scroll Map
Analog - Move Cursor
Cross - Select
Circle - Deselect
Start - Menu
Select - Screenshot
Editor: (0.1 U3 only)
Square+D-Pad - Scroll Game Board
Analog - Move Cursor
Triangle (Hold) - Enter Page Selection Mode
Triangle+D-Pad - Navigation Between Pages
Triangle+Circle - Deselect Page
Triangle+Up/Down (Map and Objects Page) - Navigation
R (Hold) - Slow Cursor Mode
L (Positional) - Object Spawn Mode (Move/Remove)
Cross - Add/Remove (When Appropriate Mode)
Start - Menu
Cross (in Menu) - Exit
Circle (in Menu) - Exit Menu
Start (in Menu) - Save Level and Exit
Select - Screenshot
Age of Empires II PSP 0.1 indev Update 1 - Gameplay (MasterMen Dev)
Age of Empires II PSP 0.1 indev Update 2 - Gameplay (MasterMen Dev)
0.2 2020/10/03
- Fully Rewritten Code + New Coding Style (Classes, Constructors).
0.1 Update 3 [F] 2019/09/19
- Rewritten Main Menu.
- Optimized Map Editor (Using "magic()") (Thx Exnonull).
- Optimized Game Script (Using "magic()").
- Limits are changable now (Look at Limit.cfg) (I recommend to Delete every SCN data after limits change to use them).
- New Limits (16, 24).
- New Option page "Debug" (Dev options).
- Fixed Scrolling (Those Black Lines while Scroll) (Thx Exnonull).
- Added a GamePanel for each Civilization.
- Game:
- Scroll Map and Cursor Speed are fixed.
- Debug:
- Show FPS (ON/OFF).
- Show Object ID (ON/OFF).
- Get Information about your actions (Count of runnings) (ON/OFF).
- Debug Text (How many objects are shown, exists...) (ON/OFF).
- Now you can see a "Prefix" of the Updates.
- Selectors have been updated to a yellow-gray line.
- Added a Menu (Test, Map Info, Controls Save, Save And Exit, Exit, Cancel).
- Added a "Player" Page (Now you can change Team Color, Civilization and Resources) (Hold L Trigger and Press left or right to add or remove 25 Resources).
- Added a "Move Everything Mode" (Hold Circle + Direction Buttons).
- Villager - 16.
- Militia - 16.
- Town Center - 16.
- House - 16.
- Berry - 16.
- Tree - 24.
- Gold - 16.
- Stone - 16.
- House Type A - c (Allowed to place).
- Berry Type A - C (Allowed to place).
- Oak Type D, Type E.
- Gold Type B - G.
- Stone Type C - G.
0.1 Update 3 2018/12/31
- Map Editor.
- Optimized a little.
- Options.
- Some Graphic Changes.
- Better Looking Main Menu.
- Signs Have Been Changed.
- Credits.
- Game:
- Scroll Sensitivity Change (5 - 12 Pixels).
- Cursor Sensitivity Change (1 - 2 - 3).
- Sounds:
- Sounds (ON/OFF).
- Nature Sounds (ON/OFF).
- Unit Sounds (ON/OFF).
- Buildings Sounds (ON/OFF).
- Max objects counter in the Right-Up corner of the screen.
- Map Page:
- Ability to change World Theme (Grass - Snow - Desert).
- Objects Page:
- All Objects in game are summonable (Except Mineral and null).
- All Objects in game are deletable.
- Re-Written some parts of code.
- Re-Written "New Game" Temp Save.
- STATS.LOG is Counting How Many Times You're Running MainMenu.
- "Functions.lua" has been created. Every code in "Storage.Lua" has been replaced to "Functions.lua".
- Created ClearRAM() Function to Optimize The Game.
- Additional music track, which will play after first music track in main menu.
- Updated "SaveGame" function, added ability to save game on your Slot.
0.1 Update 2 2018/08/08
- More Objects.
- Civilizations.
- Music and Music-like Sounds.
- Scenarios Storage (only up to 3 files).
- Some Graphic Changes.
- New secrets.
- 2 Different Types of villagers.
- Militia.
- House.
- Tree.
- Forage Bush.
- Gold Mine.
- Stone.
- Re-Written Code.
- Fade Function.
- Re-Written Saving-Sytsem.
0.1 2017/12/31
- Map Scrolling.
- 2 Villagers.
- 1 Town Center.
- Villager Selection.
- Game Menu.
- Saving System.
- Creating Game.
External links
- Author's website -
- Author's website -