Explosive Gas

From GameBrew
Explosive Gas
[Media:ExplosiveGas0.8ds.zip Download]



Explosive Gas is created by JimmyL, who has made the famous NDS homebrew game A Touch of War. The object of this game is to kill your opponents using bombs. The last man standing is declared the winner, and since this was entered into a WiFi game competition, it has online play! This is one place that PSP homebrew lacks, but NDS homebrew seems to succeed flawlessly. You can play in a match of up to 8 players at once!


Explosive Gas is fairly straightforward, be the last man standing (and not on fire) to get a point.


The controls are simple, use the D-Pad to move around, and hit any button to drop a bottle of hooch. When you start the game you can only drop one bottle and the flames from the explosion will only travel one square. Two powerups can be found in the old boxes and crates that are lying around, a can of gas, which will increase the range of your flames, and a two-four, which will allow you to drop more bottles at once.

Wifi Connection

In order to host a game, you'll need to have your router forward port 9999 to your ds. You can find the ip address of your ds on the wifi menu screen in the game. If you don't have port 9999 being forwarded to your ds, you can still host a LAN game, just be sure that the other ds's that try to join use the 'Join LAN game' option rather than the 'Join Game' option in the menus.

Change Log

The only thing noticeably different in this version is a second map layout.

This new map has some holes on the upper level that are useful for surprise dive bombs on people below. Just watch that you don’t fall into a dead end.

