Citric Composer 3DS

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Revision as of 04:05, 19 September 2021 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)


Citric Composer

Welcome to the Citric Composer collection by Gota7 and Aqua-San! Here you can find some useful tools for editing Wii U and 3ds sound.


Citric Composer Installer - An installer for the current version of Citric Composer, a WIP editor for B_SARs.

Retsuko Sound Tool (Extractor/Injector) - For extracting and re-injecting files in a bfsar, bcsar, whatever. Just make sure the new files you want to add are less than or equal to the original files’ file size.

Koopa Harmony (Bahp) - For editing koopa dance moves in NSMB2, and maybe other games that use bbid.

File Specifications

Common Structures - Common structures found throughout the sounc archive and its sub-files.

Sequences (SEQ):(bfseq, bcseq) - Sequences used to play SFX or music.

Banks (BNK):(bfbnk, bcbnk) - Banks that contain instruments to use with sequences.

Wave Archives (WAR):(bfwar, bcwar) - Wave archives used to store wave files.

Groups (GRP):(bfgrp, bcgrp) - Groups used to store a variety of files.

Waves (WAV):(bfwav, bcwav) - Waves that are used to play music and SFX.

Binary Waves (BWAV):(bwav) - Waves that are used instead of streams in newer editions of the AAL library.


Aqua-San, Tools, Structure Docs Nintendo, Structure Docs Thealexbarney, Tools Soneek, Tools Libertyernie, Loop Panel Wexos, Structure Docs Steveice10, Structure Docs TiniVi, Structure Docs Hiccup, Structure Docs Xcution, Structure Docs Abood, Structure Docs
