
From GameBrew
Revision as of 02:31, 9 November 2022 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)
TypeDevelopment Libraries
Last Updated2010/06/23

PSPuht is a development library to use head or hand tracking in yours applications. It allows developers to implement applications that can interact with players through the Go!Cam.

User guide

3 pspgu exemples are provided in the same archive than the library. And you can read about all of the features below.

For better results while using software working with this library, please, be aware of the following recommandations:

  • Use in a place, well lit by white light.
  • Stand back to a white clean wall.
  • Wear monochrome clothing, white or gray.
  • For head-tracking, wear Turtleneck.
  • For hand-tracking, wear long sleeves.

Library documentation v1.2.0:

 * Create the ultimate head/hand tracker


//New stuff - v1.2.0

 * Apply grids of pixelization on the cloud.
 * The grids allows the elimination of parasites.
 * For all of grids, you need to give the cell size and
 * a tolerance relating to the pixels outside the cloud.

void setGrid(const u8 gSize, vec3i *grids);

 * Define the minimum pixels quantity in the cloud
 * (corresponding to the tracked entity)
 * minimun quantity on x, minimun quantity on y

void setMinDim(u8 xMin, u8 yMin);

//New stuff - v1.2.0

 * You can define a maximun pixels quantity accepted
 * between the differents parts of the cloud
 * maximun quantity on x, maximun quantity on y

void setMaxMrg(const u8 xMrg, const u8 yMrg);

//New stuff - v1.2.0

 * Set the Ycbcr threshold type.
 * Aivalables types are :

void setYcbcrThresh(u8 threshNum);

 * Init the camera and the corresponding video thread.
 * Pass thread's priority as argument

int initCam(u8 prop = 0x10);

 * In the case of direct rendering, (without applying the medium filter)
 * the fist parameter must be a pointer on an allocation of 0x22240 bytes
 * Else, it must be an allocattion of 0x34E40 bytes.
 * The second parameter indicates if we use the direct rendering.
 * The last parameter indicates if the FB_565 buffer shall be used or not.

void initBuffer(void *bWork, bool dRender, bool fb565);

 * In all case, it correspond to the camera stream.

u32 *FB_MPEG;

 * RGBA Buffer (32 bits)
 * if we are not in direct rendering, the medium filter is applied

u32 *FB_8888;

 * RGB_565 buffer (16 bits)
 * Unable if fb565 is true.
 * if we are not in direct rendering, the medium filter is applied

u16 *FB_565;

//New stuff - v1.2.0

 * Buffer that contains the cloud of pixels on which we work.
 * the cloud correspond to the traked entity.

u8 *B_WORK;

 * Contains tracking informations
 * pOut.x, pOut.y, pOut.z, pOut.w for
 * X begin, X end, Y begin, Y end

vec4i pOut;

 * Is true for the case when the camera streaming is working well.

bool run;

 * Correspond to sceUsbCamGetLensDirection();

bool direction;

//New stuff - v1.2.0

 * Set it to true before initCam()
 * if you seek to force the ambient light detection.

bool checkAmbientLight;

 * Set it to true before delete if you seek to
 * delete the tracker without unload modules.

bool relativeClean;

 * Id of the tracker thread.

int thid;

 * Active the Frame Manager.

void fm_activated();

 * Return True if the FM is waiting for a "next frame" signal.

bool fm_isWaiting();

 * Send a "next frame" signal

void fm_nextFrame();

 * Delete the tracker and unload modules if not relativeClean
 * else delete the tracker only, wihtout unload modules.


External links
