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Template:Infobox 3DS homebrew

TWLoader is a CTR-mode frontend for nds-bootstrap that looks like the Nintendo DSi Menu.

Installing and upgrade TWLoader

1. Installing from scratch

Before continue reading, only modern CFW like Luma3DS works with TWLoader. Please, do not use on old CFW. They won't work!

  1. Download TWLoader. You can get it from the latest release page here or download latest 7z version from here
  2. Extract the files to a folder and move sdroot/_nds/TWLoader/cia/TWLoader.cia to SD:/cia


  1. Open sdroot folder and move _nds folder to SD:\ root.


  1. Move your .nds files to your desire location. Default: SD:\roms\nds. You can change default location following this steps.
  2. File:Warning.png (IMPORTANT!!) This step is required. If you aren't connected to the internet, an error screen will appear if those aren't installed. File:Warning.png Install TWLoader - TWLNAND side.cia and TWLoader - TWLNAND side (part 2).cia (TWLoader - TWLNAND side (part 1.1).cia is optional) to SysNAND (also to EmuNAND, if you have EmuNAND).
  3. Install SD:\TWLoader.cia to the NAND your are using (SysNAND or EmuNAND)
  4. (Optional) Run roms from your Slot-1 flashcard. Click here.
  5. (Optional) If you want background music, you can download from here or use your own. Music must be 44khz, and 1 minute. Put music.wav at SD:\_nds\twloader\
  6. (Optional) TWLoader auto download boxart from the Intenet. If you want to use your custom boxart, follow this steps:
  • Create (or download) your .png file that's 128x115.
  • Name the .png file to the same filename as the game, but with .png added to the end. (ex. your rom is name game.nds, boxart will be game.nds.png)
  • Save it to SD:\_nds\twloader\boxart\ for roms from SD , or SD:\_nds\twloader\boxart\flashcard for games on the Slot-1 flashcard. (ex. if your rom is SD:\roms\flashcard\nds\game.ini, boxart will be in SD:\_nds\twloader\boxart\flashcard\game.ini.png)
  1. Now that everything is set up, open TWLoader from the HOME menu. If you follow every step from this guide, TWLoader will open with all your roms, your background music and your boxart.

Note background sound music only will work if you dump your DSP Firm, if not, a icon will show telling you DSP Firm file isn't found

2. Upgrade existing TWLoader

Upgrade TWLoader is as easy as installation, except you don't have to delete or recreate SD folders. You can update TWLoader from an existing TWLoader installation or installing it CIA again.

2.1 Using TWLoader

If you configure TWLoader to auto download at start up, just turn WiFi on before open it, and it will auto install the CIA and auto upgrade. If not, open TWLoader and open Settings. Make sure wifi is on and you have Internet access and then, go to page 2, and select Update TWLoader. TWLoader will check if you have an Internet connection, and check for an update. If it is available and will download and install the CIA. If the process goes well, it will auto close. You only have to open it again to enjoy you updated TWLoader without loosing your configuration or roms. Some release need to manual change some files. Refer to releases notes to update those files manually.

2.2 Using a CIA

If you don't want to use TWLoader to auto update itself, you can download the 7z from Installing from scratch and install TWLoader.ciasdroot\_nds\twloader\cia\TWLoader - TWLNAND side.cia, and sdroot\_nds\twloader\cia\TWLoader - TWLNAND side (part 2).cia. Your configuration and roms will also be save.

NOTE: If you plan on doing a system transfer, before you do it, uninstall both parts of the TWLoader - TWLNAND side app first, unless you want to keep using TWLoader on the system that had it's stuff transferred to the new system.

3. 3DSX Demo Method

Now you can try TWLoader in a Demo mode! It won't load any rom, it's just a demo mode to test TWLoader in your OFW.

  1. Move TWLoader_demo.3dsx and TWLoader_demo.smdh to SD:\3ds\ folder. You can put on root or create a folder inside
  2. Go to The Homebrew Launcher and launch TWLoader
  3. TWloader Demo Mode will load and you can see if you like it to install on your CFW!


Before continue reading, only modern CFW like Luma3DS works with TWLoader. Please, do not use on old CFW. They won't work! If this is your first time, you will see a screen like this.


In order to configure TWLoader, use arrows, pad or touch screen to get to Settings and press A or touch the screen again to open it.

Settings: GUI


Here you can modify the settings of the graphic environment.

  • Language: you can use default system language or a custom if available. Note: some .ndsroms do not have all existing languages
  • Color: you can choose between 19 background color. This color is for the top screen, circle dot and choose box border.
  • Menu color: you can choose between 17 background color for the bottom screen (and top is top border is on)
  • Show filename: filename of .nds roms will appear.
  • Game counter: it show the number of total roms and position.
  • Custom bottom image: load a custom bottom image for the game menu.
  • Auto-update bootstrap: can switch between OffUnofficial and Official (note: using Unofficialor Official will auto update at start up)
  • Auto-update to latest TWLoader if selected, will auto download and install the latest available TWLoader at start up.

Settings: NTR/TWL-mode

You can switch to settings: NTR/TWL-mode pressing R button. Press L to return to Settings: GUI 


  • Flashcard(s) select: here you can select you flashcard for run roms from it.
  • Rainbow LED: after selecting a .nds in game menu, will turn on notification led with a rainbow effect.
  • ARM9 CPU Speed: switch between 133mhz (DSi mode) or 67mhz (DS mode)
  • VRAM boost: Allows 8 bit VRAM writes and expands the bus to 32 bit.
  • DS/DSi Boot Screen: displays the DS/DSi boot animation before launching a rom.
  • Health and Safety message: displays the Health and Safety message on the bottom screen.
  • Reset Slot-1: enable this is slot-1 card are stuck on white screens.
  • Console output: display debug text before launching the rom. Switch between OffOn and On (debug).
  • Lock ARM9 SCFG_EXT: locks the ARM9 SCFG_EXT, avoiding conflict with recent libnds.

Main Start menu

If you are in main screen you can press START to open this menu:


  • Game location: switches the game location between the SD Card and the flashcard.
  • Box Art: you can enable or dissable box arts.
  • Start GBARunner2 you can start GBA emulator.
  • Top border: is the border surrounding the top background.

Change roms path

If you want to change default roms path follow this steps:

  1. Go to SD:\_nds\twloader\ and edit settings.ini file.
  2. Edit this lines: ROM_FOLDER = roms/nds FCROM_FOLDER = roms/flashcard/nds
  3. Remember to move your roms and .ini files from old location to new!

Rom loading

[1]Rom loading from SD card

If you want to load roms from SD follow this steps:

  • Put every .nds file on your nds folder. Default location is SD:\roms\nds\
  • (Optional) TWLoader auto download boxart from the Intenet. If you want to use your custom boxart, follow this steps:
    • Create (or download) your .png file that's 128x115.
    • Name the .png file to the same filename as the game, but with .png added to the end. (ex. your rom is name game.nds, boxart will be game.nds.png)
    • Save it to SD:\_nds\twloader\boxart\.

Rom loading from flashcard/Slot-1


  1. Download a pack for your flashcard:
  1. Extract what's in for Slot-1 microSD to the root of the flashcard's microSD card.
  2. In TWLoader.7z, extract the files/folders in the "flashcardsdroot (all)" and "flashcardsdroot (flashcardnamehere)" folders to the flashcard's microSD card root. Do not extract the "flashcardsdroot (all)" or "flashcardsdroot (flashcardnamehere)" folders themselves to the microSD card root.
  3. Launch TWLoader.
  4. Press START, and change game location to flashcard.
  5. Launch the Add Games menu.
  6. Select a .nds file.
  7. The banner and .ini files will be created, and your game will show up in TWLoader.
  • (Optional) TWLoader auto download boxart from the Intenet. If you want to use your custom boxart, follow this steps:
    • Create (or download) your .png file that's 128x115.
    • Name the .png file to the same filename as the game, but with .png added to the end. (ex. your rom is name game.ini, boxart will be game.ini.png)
    • Save it to SD:\_nds\twloader\boxart\flashcard\.

To launch your game on the flashcard:

  1. Open TWLoader, and press START if theme is set to DSi Menu.
  2. Change game location to Flashcard.
  3. Go to Settings.
  4. Press R (or touch R bottom in touch screen) 3 times to go to NTR/TWL Settings.
  5. Select Flashcard(s) select.
  6. Pick your flashcard.
  7. If your game location is set to Flashcard you'll see the generated .ini.
  8. Select your generated .ini file, and your ROM should load.

[2]GBA Rom loading

NOTE: COMPATIBILITY IS LIMITED If you want to load gba roms follow this steps:

  1. Put your .gba rom in your SD card (it can be anywhere you want).
  2. If your rom is NOT SRAM patched Patch your rom as SRAM using GBATA
  3. Put your bios on SD:\ root as bios.bin
  4. Press START on TWLoader main screen (if theme is DSi Menu) and then Start GBARunner2 to load GBARunner2.
  5. Now, find your ROM using bottom screen and press A to launch it.


Frequently Asked Question


  • How do I get started?
  • I'm getting a black screen saying to reboot my 3DS/2DS/New 3DS. IS NOW BROKEN?!?
    • No. Install TWLoader - TWLNAND side.cia that's in SD:\_nds\twloader\cia\ to SysNAND (also to EmuNAND, if you have EmuNAND).
  • Why do I get a white screen when trying to load a game?
    • Try loading the game again. If the problem still happens, turn on console output. Remember that some retail roms are not fully compatible yet!
  • How do I get sound? / I'm getting a speaker with a red cross
    • If you're using an older TWLoader version, dump the DSP firm, as that's needed to play the sound effects and music. You can download a tool to dump your DSP here
  • What's the TWLNAND side CIA? Does it patch TWL_FIRM?
    • No. It's a DSiWare app only used by the GUI (not seen in HOME Menu). The TWLNAND side has the boot screen, and starts bootstrap for running the ROMs.
  • I'm getting a black screen saying reboot. Please help!!!
    • First, do not panic. If you have installed TWLoader -TWLNAND side.cia and you are getting this error, maybe you are using a patched TWL Firm. Please, follow this link to reinstall a clean TWL firm cia.
  • Why is there lagging when picking a game?
    • The previous/next boxart and icon images are loaded, instead of them being loaded all at once. This is done to prevent memory leaks.
  • I read that 3DS/2DS LED can brick my console, why do you add a function like this?
    • You can only MCU brick on firmwares 8.1 or below. Using rainbow LED above 8.1 is completly safe.
  • I'm getting the black screen and I don't have a patched TWL and I've installed NAND side cia...Oh, I'm using RxTools/ReiNand/Any-other-outdated-CFW
    • Please, use a modern CFW like Luma3DS if you want to enjoy 100% using TWLoader. Also, TWLoader doesn't support outdated CFW.
  • I'm using the demo version and I want to load roms. How it works?
    • Sorry but .3dsx demo version can not load roms. Use .cia version instead.
  • How can I load GBA roms with TWLoader?
    • Follow the steps from this guide
  • After updating with auto-update (or manual), TWLoader doesn't close itself. Did anything went wrong?
    • If you didn't get any error message but doesn't close automatically, it means something went wrong. TWLoader auto download is save in SD:\_nds\twloader\cia\. Try to manual install using a CIA manager or download TWLoader.cia and TWLoader -TWLNAND side.ciaand install manually.
    • Please, just read if your problem is listed before. I bet it is.
  • Hello, I was using TWLoader yesterday and it was all OK, but today, when I open it, my console send me to home screen telling me to restart. What can I do?
    • When a restart screen appear (not a BLACK screen), it means something get messed up. Try to move your roms, boxarts to another location and open TWLoader. If it open correctly, maybe is a problem with roms or boxarts damage. If it doesn't open successfully, download latest version 7z and overwrite you SD TWloader's folders and files with the folders and files from the 7z.
  • I'm getting a bootstrap not found error?
    • In settings, update the bootstraps, then in NTR/TWL settings, set Bootstrap to Release, then to Unofficial (or vice-versa).


Building this app by yourself require `DevKitARM` with `DevKitPro` .You will also need BernardoGiordano's `pp2d` (included as submodule) and `citro3ds` (included in DevKitPro). You also need makerom on your DevKitPro environment.

For using `compile.bat` you must `git clone --recursive` this repository.


  • ahezard: Loading banner icons from .nds files.
  • Billy Acuña: Old TWLoader logo.
  • Joom: New and current TWLoader logo.
  • cheuble: Sound engine.
  • Gericom: GBARunner2.
  • MarcusD: Code for glowing rainbow colors in Notification LED.
  • Olmectron: Forwarder3-DS.

This wouldn't have been possible without the following.

  • ahezard: nds-bootstrap, for ROM loading.
  • Apache Thunder: NTR-Launcher, for NTR Slot-1 game loading, and the recreation of the DS/DSi boot screens.
  • shutterbug2000: File browsing code.
  • spinal_cord: DSi4DS assets.
