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TempGBA4PSP-mod is a Game Boy Advance emulator for PSP. It is compiled by phoe-nix based on [ TempGBA4PSP-26731020] and incorperates features from the following emulators: * [[TempGBA]] (emulator for the Supercard DSTWO flashcard on Nintendo DS) by Nebuleon, Normmatt and BassAceGold. * [[gpSP]] (gameplaySP) by Exophase. * [|Unofficial gpSP Kai] by Takka. ==Installation== Copy the folder TempGBA to /PSP/GAME/ folder on the Memory Stick. Put your rom images inside the roms folder (directory settings can be changed in the Dir.ini). ==User guide== ===Supported extensions=== * GBA rom image - GBA, BIN, AGB. * Compressed file - ZIP, GBZ. Files with non-supported extensions will not appear in the list. GBZ is treated as a ZIP file. There should only be one rom image in the compressed file, and it should have the corresponding extension. If the size of the game cartridge exceeds the buffer size, it cannot be read as a compressed file. ===Cheats (CHT)=== It supports some functionality of Gameshark cheat codes. To use, create a text file with the same name as the ROM you want the cheat code to apply to (with the extension .cht). Use UTF-8N as the character code, you can register up to 30 codes in the following format code_format code_name aaaaaaaa dddddddd aaaaaaaa dddddddd For code_format, the following 9 types can be specified. gameshark_v1 gameshark_v2 gameshark_v3 PAR_v1 PAR_v2 PAR_v3 direct_v1 direct_v2 direct_v3 gameshark_v1 = gameshark_v2 = PAR_v1 = PAR_v2; gameshark_v3 = PAR_v3; direct_v1 = direct_v2, so actually 4 types. direct_v1/v2 = gameshark_v1/v2 = PAR_v1/v2; direct_v2 = gameshark_v3/unencrypted code of PAR_v3. For code_name, up to 16 single-byte characters can be set. For cheat code, up to 255 can be set continuously. Please refer to readme for examples. ==Controls== '''Rom selection menu:''' D-Pad Up/Down - Select game or folder D-Pad Left/Right - Go to the game list or folder list Circle - Start selected game, Enter selected folder Cross - Show the Menu Square - Go to a previous directory '''Menu:''' D-Pad Up/Down - Move through the menu D-Pad Left/Right - Modify options L - Go to the games list R - Go to the Savestates details list Circle - Accept, Enter submenu Cross - Back to the game '''Game Boy Advance:''' Triangle/Home - Show menu Suqare - Start Circle - A button Cross - B button L - L-Trigger R - R-Trigger Select - Select Start - Start ==Compatibility== Works for FW 3.71 or above. For CFW 5.00M33, use M33-4 or above (Clock setting does not work for M33-1 to 3). ==Changelog== '''20160527''' * Update cheats_jp.txt. '''20160501''' * Based on TempGBA4PSP-26731020 ( * Added gpsp kai 's cheats function. * Added Chinese language. * Added restore function. * New menu icon. * Imported code from TempGBA-mod-dstwo-26750220. ==External links== * GitHub - * Wololo - {{PSP emulators}}