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PSP IR Frotz is a port of the dumb Frotz the Z-Machine Interpreter to the PSP. Works only with IR wireless keyboards. This homebrew lets you play all those good ole Infocom games from years ago. Since it is a port of dumb Frotz, it will probably work up to Z5 games only. ==Installation== Copy the pspirfrotz directory to /PSP/GAME/ of your Memory Stick. Copy any Z games you want to play to the pspirfrotz directory. ==User guide== Start pspIRFrotz, pick the wireless keyboard you have with the appropriate button. Game will show a list of files in the folder, type the name of the Z file an press Enter. Support for the Palm Wireless Keyboard and Targus Universal Wireless Keyboard has been tested. The Palm Universal Wireless Keyboard should work fine too, since the code was adapted from TyDoPad v0.01 which supported it. ==Screenshots== ==Credits== madruscoe for TyDoPad v0.01 for the most excellent IR routines. [ Frotz] source. PSdonkey on the PSP-HACKS psp programming forum for getting me started on coding. Various forums folks on psp developer forum for various snippets of code. ==External links== * PSP-Hacks - {{PSP emulators}}