Dragon Quest XI 3DS

From GameBrew
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Template:Infobox 3DS homebrew

This is a mod for the 3DS version of Dragon Quest XI, converting the synth-based soundtrack to the symphonic suite recordings. The project started on January 14th 2021 when I was attempting to learn whether or not it was possible. On January 16th, I was able to replace the default battle theme with DQ8's battle theme. Afterwards, I wasn't planning on doing a full orchestral overhaul, but a few people convinced me to give it a shot! After 4 months of being lazy, I finally got it done. I hope you enjoy this project of mine!

Requirements: A hacked 3DS with the Luma custom firmware At least 700MB or so free space on your SD card A method to play DQXI 3DS (Physical or digital should work fine)

Installation: Simply extract the "luma" folder to the root of your SD Card. Then insert the SD card back into your 3DS. While your 3DS is off, hold Select and turn it on. This will bring up the Luma Configuration menu. When in this menu, select "Enable Game Patching" and hit A. An (x) should show up to the left of the text. Once you do that, or it is already enabled, hit Start to save and reload the 3DS. Now your game should be Orchestrally Overhauled!

Audio Sources: DQ5: PS2 Soundtrack DQX: Wii U Version Soundtrack DQVII & DQVIII: 3DS Orchestral Overhaul Everything else: Various Symphonic Suite CDs

Tools used: Brawlbox: The bread and butter. Used to convert .wav files into .brstm files with loop points. BCSTM-to-WAV-Converter: For converting the 3DS audio to .wav for easy identification BRSTM-BCSTM-BFSTM Conversion Tool: For converting the .brstm from Brawlbox to .bcstm, mostly to avoid errors. vgmstream: For converting the .sab files from the original Symphonic Suite mod to .wav, with loop points.

Known issues: Some music (perticularly the Tickington songs) have a small click when looping. This is due to some imperfect looping due to having to loop by ear. Depending on how severe this is I may fix some of them, but I don't plan to.

Credits: SnubSlime: For inspiring me to work on this project after my proof-of-concept kirbytar: For providing me BrawlBox and the DQ9 Battle theme mike9k1: For providing the Symphonic Suite audio used in the original Orchestral Overhaul mod for the PC version Dragabris: For identifying most songs I couldn't figure out
