Neko Atsume - Kitty Collector 3DS

From GameBrew
Revision as of 11:10, 22 September 2021 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)


Neko Atsume - Kitty Collector

Welcome to the thread for the fan-translation of Neko Atsume for Nintendo 3DS!

In Neko Atsume, gameplay revolves around the player purchasing food, toys, and furniture to attract a variety of cats to the player's home. The player can watch cats interact with objects, take photos of them which can be saved in an album, and receive gifts of fish and mementos from them.

Current progress:

  • Textures: 100%
  • Text: 100%




v0.1 (Jun. 15th, 2017)

  • All of the textures have been translated.

v1.0 (Feb. 4th, 2018)

  • All of the text in the game has been translated to English!
  • Fixed some of the English textures from the previous release

v1.1 (Feb. 6th, 2018)

  • Translated a few lines we missed.

That's right, it's finally done! The amazing @DarkSynopsis did a great job injecting the official English translations from the mobile version of the game into the 3DS port, and for the text that wasn't in the mobile port, we had an awesome translator, Discord user seikiku. I would never be able to finish this project by myself, so having two such great persons on board was unbelievable!

Install instructions:

  • Download the attached archive, and put the "luma" folder from the archive to the root of your SD card.
  • Obtain the Japanese version of Neko Atsume through whatever means.
  • Enable game patching in Luma's config menu (hold SELECT on boot).
  • Run Neko Atsume from your HOME Menu as you normally would.

(For those that want a .CIA/.3DS release, you know where to look)

Please let us know if you run into any untranslated Japanese text or typos. We did quite a lot of playtesting but it's always possible that something might've slipped past us.

