Dragon Quest XI 3DS

From GameBrew
Revision as of 08:12, 21 September 2021 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)


This is a mod for the 3DS version of Dragon Quest XI, converting the synth-based soundtrack to the symphonic suite recordings. The project started on January 14th 2021 when I was attempting to learn whether or not it was possible.

On January 16th, I was able to replace the default battle theme with DQ8's battle theme.

Afterwards, I wasn't planning on doing a full orchestral overhaul, but a few people convinced me to give it a shot! After 4 months of being lazy, I finally got it done. I hope you enjoy this project of mine!


  • A hacked 3DS with the Luma custom firmware
  • At least 700MB or so free space on your SD card
  • A method to play DQXI 3DS (Physical or digital should work fine)


  • Simply extract the "luma" folder to the root of your SD Card. Then insert the SD card back into your 3DS.
  • While your 3DS is off, hold Select and turn it on. This will bring up the Luma Configuration menu.
  • When in this menu, select "Enable Game Patching" and hit A. An (x) should show up to the left of the text.
  • Once you do that, or it is already enabled, hit Start to save and reload the 3DS.
  • Now your game should be Orchestrally Overhauled!

Audio Sources:

  • DQ5: PS2 Soundtrack
  • DQX: Wii U Version Soundtrack
  • DQVII & DQVIII: 3DS Orchestral Overhaul
  • Everything else: Various Symphonic Suite CDs

Tools used:

  • Brawlbox: The bread and butter. Used to convert .wav files into .brstm files with loop points.
  • BCSTM-to-WAV-Converter: For converting the 3DS audio to .wav for easy identification
  • BRSTM-BCSTM-BFSTM Conversion Tool: For converting the .brstm from Brawlbox to .bcstm, mostly to avoid errors.
  • vgmstream: For converting the .sab files from the original Symphonic Suite mod to .wav, with loop points.

Known issues:

Some music (perticularly the Tickington songs) have a small click when looping. This is due to some imperfect looping due to having to loop by ear. Depending on how severe this is I may fix some of them, but I don't plan to.


  • SnubSlime: For inspiring me to work on this project after my proof-of-concept
  • kirbytar: For providing me BrawlBox and the DQ9 Battle theme
  • mike9k1: For providing the Symphonic Suite audio used in the original Orchestral Overhaul mod for the PC version
  • Dragabris: For identifying most songs I couldn't figure out
