Cartoon Combatt: Flying Circus Vita

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Revision as of 13:02, 13 October 2023 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)
Cartoon Combatt: Flying Circus
Last Updated2023/05/12
Support Author

This is the first build of a game I started developing in 2017, initially designed for mobile and the PlayStation Vita platforms. The game, titled "Open Skies," is currently in its early stages, with basic mechanics and a few test-run enemies. There are numerous underlying mechanics that are yet to be utilized.

The gameplay is straightforward. Players can use the arrow keys to turn and the space bar to fire. The game is set to have a "home map" with a strategic mission selection system and a final objective of toppling the enemy base. I plan to use random generation for mission creation, which will be influenced by player choices and will reflect the success of the player in the "flight section" of the game.

This game was developed using Unity 3D, a powerful game engine that supports the development of games for a wide range of platforms. It's been used to create over 70% of mobile games, providing a robust and versatile platform for game development.

The random generation of missions in the game is a feature that I'm excited to implement. This will add an element of unpredictability to the game, making each playthrough unique. I'll be able to achieve this by using procedural generation techniques, which are commonly used in game development to create large, varied environments or levels

The player's choices will also influence the game's mechanics. This is an effective way to create a more immersive and engaging gaming experience. By understanding the player's preferences and behavior, the game can adapt to their playstyle, providing a more personalized gaming experience.





  • First Release.

External links
