Horror Vacui Wii

From GameBrew
Revision as of 04:41, 2 February 2023 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)
Horror Vacui
Last Updated2009/01/20

Horror Vacui is a two-player abstract strategy board game inspired by the classic idea that "Nature abhors a vacuum." This is my debut as both a game designer and game programmer.


In "Horror Vacui," players are assigned either the Water or Earth element. They take turns placing cards representing their element until the board (known as the Vacuum) is full.

Each card is randomly assigned one of three temperatures: Normal (green border), Hot (orange border), or Cold (blue border). The temperature of the placed card influences the temperature of adjacent cards:

  • Normal cards have no impact
  • Opposite extremes cancel each other and both cards become Normal
  • Identical extremes remove the adjacent card and normalize the incoming card
  • Adjacent Normal cards adopt the temperature of the incoming card and normalize it
  • If there are no adjacent cards, the temperature of the incoming card remains unchanged
  • Players may also choose to sacrifice an extreme card to neutralize an opposing extreme on the board.

Additionally, players may randomly draw an Ice Age or Inferno Event Card, causing a change in temperature for the entire board and skipping their turn.

The game ends when the board is full. The player with the most Normal cards on the filled board wins. In case of a tie, the player with the most cards overall wins.



  • Player 1 is Water
  • CPU is Earth


  • Player 1 is Water
  • Player 2 is Earth


Wiimote Horizontal Action
Wiimote DPad Move cursor
Wiimote 1 Button or Wiimote 2 Button Confirm selection/Place card
Wiimote Plus Button Back to title after complete
Wiimote Minus Button Reset at any time
Wiimote Home Button Quit game


Horror Vacui Gameplay 1 - (Skelefactor)

Known Issues/Todo

  • It's 8-bit, get over it
  • Occasionally soft crashes on exit (press Reset button on the Wii to return to the Homebrew Channel)
  • The source is not as tangled as it used to be
  • Add an in-game explanation of rules/tutorial mode


V0.04 2009-01-19

  • hooked up hardware functions for power and reset

V0.03 2009-01-15

  • Animated CPU cursor after its "thinking" delay
  • Either player can now return to the title screen at the end of the game by pressing the plus button
  • Either player can now reset the game by pressing the minus button
  • Added Syslog to simplify debugging (using TekWarrior's wonderful syslog-enabled version of wiiload)
  • Refactored source code (still stuck manually managing multiple timers for animation)

V0.02 2009-01-13

  • Added improved start-up chime
  • Added a game over loop
  • Fixed bug that allowed a player to normalize an extreme card with a normal card

V0.01 2009-01-13

  • Initial Release

Special thanks to

  • devkitPro for obvious reasons
  • teknecal for the excellent tutorials on CodeMii.com that got the ball rolling
  • NoNameNo for GRRLib and providing said ball with a steep incline
  • Korg DS-10 which was used to create all in-game audio
  • Hermes for A/SNDLib and OggPlayer
  • TekWarrior for his syslog-enabled version of wiiload
  • The rest of the WiiBrew community for sharing their knowledge

External links
