
From GameBrew
Revision as of 00:55, 19 September 2022 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)
VersionBeta 1
Last Updated2008/03/09

An Atari ST emulator for Wii (port of the lame emulator, castaway).


Q: Can i use my msa/st disk image?
A: No, i was too lazy to code a sdgecko/DVD menu selector, so i hardcoded a disk image (BUGGY.C)

Q: What is this disk image?
A: The disk image i hardcoded i ST-MENU 5, an intro compilation disk from the famous OVERLANDERS.

Q: How can i use it?
A: Like you understand already i am a very lazy guy, so i didn't even code a keyboard facilitie but I hardcoded some key you can use with your paddle :

  • up arrow : UP
  • down arrow : DOWN
  • F1 : B
  • F2 : A
  • F3 : Y
  • F4 : X
  • SpaceBar : L Trigger (use it at the woody wood pecker screen)


  • Reset the ATARI : R Trigger
  • Return to Geckoloader : START

Q: Why can't i listen marvellous soundchip?
A: Because this Castaway dont have sound emulation :(

Q: Why are so much intro in the compilation are not working?
A: in fact the basis of the emulator i ported is very lame, and all this intros are not working on the pc version of the emulator.

Q: When is planned the Final Verison
A: I don't think i will continue to work on it, so, if someone want to, the sources are included.


Thanks and Greetings to :

  • Team Twizzer for all the great wii stuff
  • CastAway coder
  • Nuke for the GREAT usb gecko !!
  • dhewg for this marvelous Geckoloader ( i've done this port in 5-6 hours with no more "SD djing")
  • And all others .....

External links
