
From GameBrew
Revision as of 15:15, 27 September 2021 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)

Template:Infobox-3DS-Homebrews Ludo3DS is a 'Work in progress' Ludo clone for the Nintendo 3DS.

This game is also known as Human Trouble.

Ludo3DS 'Core is written by SuperSaiyajinStackZ.

Ludo3DS will become a part of StackGames in the future.

3DElf's code was used as the basis for this game. You can also check this out if you Elfer raus!are interested in a clone.

Game data structure

You can find information on the game data structure from version 0.1.0 to the latest here !




Put on the environment

To compile Ludo3DS from the source code, you have to set up your environment with devkitARM, Libctru, Citro2D and Citro3D. Follow devkitPro's Getting Started page to install pacman, then run (sudo dkp-)pacman -S 3ds-dev. You will also need bannertool and makerom in the path.

Cloning the repository

To download the source code you have to clone this with submodules, this can be done by doing the following:

git clone --recursive

Or if you've already cloned it:

git submodule update --init --recursive

to update all submodules.

Then just run make in the 3ds folder.


Main developer

  • SuperSaiyajinStackZ : main developer of Ludo3DS.


  • devkitPro : For devkitARM, Libctru, Citro2D & Citro3D.
  • SuperSaiyajinStackZ : For the graphics.
  • Universal-Team : For Universal-Core.
