CTROLLER for Android 3DS

From GameBrew
Revision as of 05:45, 12 September 2021 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)

Template:Infobox-3DS-Homebrews Ctroller-android lets you use your 3DS as an input device for your Linux Android system via the uinput kernel module. It consists of a client that runs on your 3DS, continously streaming the 3DS input data to a server on your Android device. The server exposes a virtual device to your system, interpretes the data it receives and writes it to a event node under /dev/input/event* or similar. The kernel gamepad input documentation can be found here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/gamepad.txt


You will need DevkitARM and the ctrulib to build the 3DS component.

Building the 3DS CIA requires bannertool and makerom to be in your $PATH.

To run the server, the uinput kernel module needs to be loaded:

$ modprobe uinput


To build the 3DS app, run make in the “3DS” directory.

To build the android binary, run CC=path/to/th/android/cross/compiler make. replace the path with the patch to your android cross compiler (the gcc binary).


  1. Download and run the ELF binary manually or use my android app: https://github.com/hacker1024/ctroller-android-app

  2. Download the latest release of the 3DS binaries.

    Or you can build them yourself:

    $ cd 3DS
    $ make release
  3. Install ctroller.cia with the CIA-manager of your choice.

    If you want to install the 3DSX-executable:

    Copy ctroller.{3dsx,smdh} to /3ds/ctroller/ on your SD card. You can also directly upload the application to your 3DS using [[./3DS/upload.sh|upload.sh]] (do not blindly execute unknown scrips, I’m not responsible if this accidentally deletes your SD card or unfreezes your fridge). To do so, start a FTP server (such as ftpd) on your 3DS on port 5000, then run:

    $ cd 3DS
    $ make upload DSIP=<IP of your 3DS here>

    This requires ftp to be installed on your system.

  4. Create a directory ctroller in the root of your SD card

  5. Place [[./3DS/ctroller.cfg|3DS/ctroller.cfg]] in there and replace the IP with the one of your PC. (The config file should now be at sdmc:/ctroller/ctroller.cfg)


Run the ELF binary manually or use my android app: https://github.com/hacker1024/ctroller-android-app

Start the ELF binary manually by copying to a executable location (like /data/local/tmp/) and running:

$ ./ctroller

Flags if you manually run the binary:

  -d  --daemonize              execute in background
  -h  --help                   print this help text
  -p  --port=<num>             listen on port 'num' (defaults to 15708)
  -u  --uinput-device=<path>   uinput character device (defaults to /dev/uinput)
  -k  --keymap                 use a keymap file (if not set, ctroller will use the default keymap)

Then launch the ctroller.3dsx or ctroller.cia application on your 3DS using a homebrew launcher of your choice.

For development purposes, the 3DS-Makefile includes a run target that uses 3dslink to upload and run the application using the Homebrew Menu NetLoader.

Creating your own keymap file

To remap the buttons in a way you want, you need to create a file with a button label on each line. The default mapping is this:

  • A
  • B
  • X
  • Y
  • L
  • R
  • ZL
  • ZR

To modify it, copy the above into a file, and swap keys around. The order is very important; any key in your custom keymap will override the default one on the same line.

To use this keymap with ctroller-android, use the -k option (see above).

For example, I prefer my layout to be more like an xbox, for better compatibility with games. To do this, I swap A and B; X and Y; R and ZR; and L and ZL. Here’s my keymap file:

  • B
  • A
  • Y
  • X
  • ZL
  • ZR
  • L
  • R


This program is intended to be used in a private network. For simplicity, the server right now accepts any connection on it’s port, which might pose a security risk if others can send data to it. This will be changed in future releases. For now, you probably shouldn’t be using this in a public network.


Version 0.1.3 on 12.27.2017 Alpha 3.1 MB Changes:

  • Add about page - Check if the native binary is already running on app launch, and if so, give an option to stop it
  • Update native binary to release android-0.1.2 (buttons are now mapped like an xbox controller, fixed error logging) Known bugs (same as old releases):
  • C-stick may not work, please tell me
  • DPAD may not work, please tell me I need feedback! Please tell me if the app works for you or not. I especially need feedback from people with 32-bit devices.

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