Idiot 3DS

From GameBrew
Revision as of 11:06, 7 September 2021 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)



A remake of Idiot: Puzzles for Nintendo 3DS and PC

<img src="jN4E68E.png"/>

How do I run this on {platform}?

Windows/Mac OS/Linux

Simply download the 'master' branch from this repository and unzip it anywhere. From there, go into the folder and compress the files into a zip format. 'main.lua' should be on the root of the newly created zip archive. Rename the extension from .zip to .love. Once this love file has been created, please download [ L�E] for your respective operating system.

Nintendo 3DS Systems

I have been giving the releases page the latest L�E Potion files, but in the event that I don't have it supplied, please download it from here. The current release at the time of writing this readme supports v1.0.8. Place the unpacked source files inside of the SD card at /3DS/Idiot/game/. If this path doesn't exist you should create it. The folder structure should then be:

| SDMC:/3DS/Idiot/ |

| game/{source} | | LovePotion.3dsx | | LovePotion.smdh |
