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TwinTail LDE (TTLDE) is a text editor for LUA scripts written with LUA. Requires LuaPlayer to run (LuaPlayer 0.19 is recommended). == Features == * Original input method named 'TwinTail'. * LUA code execution(TTLDE catches syntax/runtime errors). * Windows style selection & cut, copy, paste. * Multi document editing. * Auto indent. * Word select(from dictionary, from globals). * Customizable color scheme / keyboard layout / dictionary. * User plugin handling. * Keyword highlighting. == User guide == === 'TwinTail' virtual keyboard === While inputting characters, hold R. ==== 101 like ==== Standard AT keyboard mapping. Easy to input, Easy to memorize. Normal: <pre> 12345 67890 qwert yuiop -asdf ghjkl (zxc) vbnm~ B, .\ /; =' (B=Backspace) </pre> Shifted: <pre> !@#$% ^&*[] QWERT YUIOP _ASDF GHJKL {ZXC} VBNM` E<t>| ?:T+" (E=Enter, T=Tab) </pre> ==== 'RapidTail' ==== Optimized for speed. More common letters can be inputted with single touch. Normal: <pre> 7q8"9 ~(-)* wfer0 yuiop 4a5s6 ghjtk zcndv bl mx 1+2=3 /;,.\ </pre> Shifted: <pre> &Q*'{ _[=]` WFER} YUIOP $A%S^ GHJTK ZCNDV BLtMX (t=Tab) !b@e# ?:<>| (b=Backspace, e=Enter) </pre> === How to input characters === This method has some ways to input same character. This sample uses 101 mapping. How to input 'a': * Push Left Arrow and release. How to input 'n': * Push Cross and release. How to input 'j': * Push Circle, Left and release, OR * Push Square, Right and release. How to input 't': * Hold Up Right, push Circle and release all, OR * Hold Up, push Circle, Circle and release all. How to input '_': (JIS) * Hold L, Circle and Cross, push Right, Down and release all, OR * Hold L and Circle, push Right, Down, Down and release all. How to input 'which': * Hold UpLeft, release * Hold Square, release * Hold Triangle, release * Hold DownRight, release * Hold Square, release === Customize === 'ttlde.dic' - Dictionary used by quick word select. 'colorset/' - Color schemes (you can add new schemes by adding file) 'plugin/' - Plugins (you can add new plugins by adding file) == Controls == Analog - Move cursor(fast) D-Pad - Move cursor Cross+Analog/D-Pad - Fast move Start - "File" menu Select - "Plugin" menu L (hold) - Shift Select+D-Pad - Switch Buffer L+D-Pad - Selection Circle+D-Pad - Search selected words (F3, Shift+F3) Square+D-Pad - Function jump Triangle (hold)+D-Pad - Word Selector (from dictionary) Triangle (push, release) - Word Selector (from global) L+Square - Cut (Ctrl+X) L+Triangle - Copy (Ctrl+C) L+Circle - Paste (Ctrl+V) L+Cross - Undo (Ctrl+Z) ... only 1 step MultiLine Selection+Space - Indent MultiLine Selection+Tab - Unindent R - Enter virtual keyboard '''Shortcuts:''' L + RRR... - Enter R + LLL... - Backspace Select - Switch keyboard mapping == Screenshots == == Changelog == '''2.1''' * Added OSK selector(by plugin). * Added new OSK. * Modified skin. * Modified file selector. '''2.0''' * Good bye TrueType. * Deep optimizing. '''1.7''' * Font changed to TrueType. * Added font caching. '''1.6''' * Added keyword hilighting (test). ** Became slower. ** Any ideas for optimize? * Modified pad service to time based. '''1.5''' * Fixed keyboard mapping typo. * Removed 106 key mapping. '''1.4''' * Fixed 'Get HTTP' plugin bug. * Added shortcut to change keyboard mapping. * Added new keyboard mapping named 'RapidTail'. ** Letter frequency based mapping. ** Numbers become easier to input than other mappings. '''1.3''' * Added png/jpg view. * Optimized speed (always 60FPS). * Current directory came to be restored after 'Exec LUA'. * Fixed some bugs. '''1.2''' * Modified 'Function jump' more friendly. * Fixed 'Jump to...' command bug. * Added plugin handling. * Added sample plugin using WLAN service. * Moved some functions to plugin (search dialog etc.). '''1.1''' * Added 'global word select'. * Added some color schemes. * Simplified pad service. * Environment came to be restored after 'Exec LUA'. == External links == * Author's website - * - * QuickJump - <!--> [[Category:Lua applications on PSP]]