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PSPlayer: Difference between revisions

From GameBrew
(Created page with "{{Infobox PSP Homebrews |title=PSPlayer |image=psplayer.png |description=Update version of PSPlayerMT. |author=kkman (nugi) |lastupdated=2008/09/23 |type=Media Players |format= |version=2.0 |license=GPL-2.0 |download= |website= |source= }} PSPlayer is the update version of PSPlayerMT, it is a media player that allows y...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 12:01, 28 December 2024

Authorkkman (nugi)
TypeMedia Players
Last Updated2008/09/23

PSPlayer is the update version of PSPlayerMT, it is a media player that allows you to listen to music, view text and image.

Supported file formats include multibyte text files (txt), MP3, AAC, MP4 (only m4a, AAC), OGG, JPG, PNG, BMP, and GIF.


  • Main features:
    • Based FFMPEG source (SVN revision 14728).
    • Supports avi and mov(mp4) containers, with no container-specific limitations.
    • Video codecs: MPEG4 (Xvid, etc.) and MPEG4/AVC (H264), with hardware acceleration only.
    • Audio codecs: AC3, MP3, AAC, with hardware acceleration for MP3 and AAC.
    • Subtitles are supported. (smi, etc. through mplayer subreader.c and custom rendering of subtitles.)
    • B-frames supported in H264 video playback.
    • Supports audio sampling rates from 8kHz to 48kHz (linear resamling to 44kHz used in PSPlayerMT).
    • Real-time volume boosting (1x-20x), independent of the system volume. (Can be manually used for Replay Gain adjustments.)
    • High-quality custom YUV rendering using the PSP video accelerator. Precise color conversion. Deblocking in chroma channels. (from PSPlayerMT)
    • Fast avi loading by optimizing index loading.
    • Maximum video resolution: 480x272 (the PSP hardware codec library does not support higher resolutions).
    • No frame rate limitations.
    • Buffering mechanism used in PSPlayerMT, (significantly reduced buffer size.)
    • Fast-forward and rewind supported.
    • Bookmark system included for resuming playback.
    • Async reading of video files to reduce memory stick access.
    • USBHostFS and NetHostFS supported (must be enabled through irShell or similar tools).
  • Other features:
    • Started from simple mp3 player using libmad.
    • Text viewer. Up to 2M lines. Fast loading. Simple bookmark.
    • mp3/aac/m4a/ogg player. with playlist support.(m3u)
    • bmp/jpg/png/gif support. but primitive.

User guide

PSPlayer is mainly composed of three screens: Music Playback, File Explorer, and Text Viewer.

There are also the initial boot screen and USB connection screen.

Logo screen

The logo screen appears only when PSPlayer is first launched.

Press Circle to restore the last closed state, or press Cross to load default settings and start the file explorer.

File explorer screen

The file explorer allows you to browse and execute files from the Memory Stick and is also used for viewing images.

Basic controls:

  • D-Pad - Select files
  • Circle - Select file
  • Cross - View image (used when selecting image files)
  • Square - Force text viewing (used for non-text files)
  • Triangle - Stop audio
  • Start+Open additional menu

Combination keys:

  • Start+Circle - Toggle date and time display
  • Start+Cross - Play all music in the folder
  • Start+Square - Save M3U playlist
  • Start+Triangele - View by tags only (ID3, etc.)
  • Start+Left - Go to ms0:/psp/photo folder
  • Start+Down - Switch between image/monochrome background mode
  • Start+Right - Reload options
  • Start+L - Go to ms0:/psp/music folder
  • Start+R - Go to ms0:/text folder
  • Start+Select - Open USB connection screen
  • Start+Analog Left/Right - Set auto-off timer

Files selection:

  • Selecting music files like MP3 or M3U files will automatically add them to the music playback list and transition to the music playback screen.
  • Selecting a text file will switch to the text viewer screen. Pressing □ to force text viewing will also switch to this screen.
  • When selecting image files (BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF), the image will be set as the background and the screen will switch to image viewing mode.

Image viewing mode

In image viewing mode, the following buttons are used:

  • Cross - Go to file view
  • Left/Right Zoom in/out smoothly
  • Start+Left/Right - Zoom in/out quickly
  • L/R - Previous/Next file
  • Analog - Move image

Music playback screen

The music playback screen shows a list of the current files in the playback queue. You can select files from the list to play.

  • Basic controls:
  • D-Pad - Select files
  • Circle - Start or resume music playback
  • Cross - Stop music playback
  • Square - Toggle random playback
  • Triangle - Pause music playback
  • Analog Left/Right - Fast seek (release the button to resume playback)
  • L- Go to the beginning or previous track
  • R - Go to the next track
  • Start - Open additional menu

Combination keys:

  • Start+Circle - Toggle repeat mode
  • Start+Cross - View by tags only (ID3, etc.)
  • Start+Down - Switch between image/monochrome background mode
  • Start+Right - Reload options
  • Start+Select - Open USB connection screen
  • Start+Analog Left/Right - Set auto-off timer

Text viewer screen

The text viewer displays the selected text. You can scroll through the text using any key. The maximum number of readable lines is approximately 2 million, including automatically wrapped lines.

Up to 20 bookmarks can be saved. You can't manually set the position of a bookmark, but it will remember the last read line and show it upon reopening the file. Bookmarks are saved based on file size.

Basic controls:

  • Up/Triangle - Move up one line
  • Down/Cross - Move down one line
  • Left/Square - Move up one page
  • Right/Circle - Move down one page
  • L/R - Go down one page
  • Analog Up/Down - Move one line up/down
  • Analog Left/Right - Move one page up/down
  • Start - Open additional menu

Combination keys:

  • L+Analog Up/Down - Move 3 lines up/down
  • R+Analog Up/Down - Move 10 lines up/down
  • L+R+ Analog Up/Down - Move 100 lines up/down
  • Start+Circle - Start music playback
  • Start+Cross - Stop music playback
  • Start+Square - View text in full screen
  • Start+Triangle - Pause music playback
  • Start+L/R - Previous/Next track
  • Start+Left - Increase line spacing
  • Start+Up - Change font size (12<->14)
  • Start+Down - Switch between image/monochrome background mode
  • Start+Right - Reload options
  • Start+Select - Open USB connection screen
  • Start+Analog Left/Right - Set auto-off timer

USB Connection screen

In the USB connection screen, accessed by pressing Start+Select, the USB connection status is displayed.

Press Circle to connect and Left+Square to disconnect.

Settings file

PSPlayer's options can be configured using the option.txt file located in the folder containing the PBP file. The last played music list is saved in the playlist.m3u file in the same folder.

The option file cannot be edited within the program. You must edit it via USB and then press Start+Right to apply the changes. Some options, such as random playback, can be changed via keys during program execution.

Sample option.txt settings:

  • LastDir: Folder for file browsing (encoded)
  • Random: 0 (Disable random music selection)
  • autoRepeat: 1 (Enable repeat mode)
  • ShowBG: 0 (Disable background image/monochrome display)
  • useLargeFont: 1 (Use 14px font for text viewing)
  • bgColor: ff605030 (Background text color)
  • titleColor: ffffffff (Title text color)
  • textViewerColor: ffffffff (Text viewing text color)
  • autoSaveMode: 1 (Enable auto power-off)
  • timeZoneOffset: 9 (Set time zone to GMT+9, Seoul)

Additional settings:

  • aviClockBoost: 50 (Add an additional 50 MHz clock speed when playing AVI videos)
  • mpeg4vmecsc: 0 (When playing MPEG4 videos (e.g., Xvid), this option determines whether to use ME (Motion Estimation) for color conversion, a value of 0 means ME is not used)
  • scaleMode: 1 (Enable video scaling mode, which allows real-time scaling adjustments during video playback)

Notes for video playback

  • When using MPEG4 video (Xvid, etc.), YUV color data is rendered via the PSP's video processor. The precise color conversion and chroma channel filtering from PSPlayerMT result in superior image quality.
  • The MPEG4 AVC (H264) codec supports B-frames, which can enhance video quality by 10-20% at the same bitrate, based on the default H264 settings.
  • AVI containers provide an easy encoding process. With the latest software version, you can encode to Xvid/H264/MP3/AAC without needing additional settings.
  • The indexing process for AVI files has been optimized to minimize memory usage and significantly reduce loading times. This optimization does not affect the functionality of fast-forwarding or rewinding (FF/REW).
  • SAMI subtitle files can be used without conversion. However, customization of fonts or colors is not supported, and bitmap fonts are scaled, which may reduce quality.
  • Large video files may experience memory issues when indexing, leading to playback errors. If errors occur with MP4 files, try using AVI files, as they require less memory for indexing.
  • Using YUV color data helps conserve memory, which is particularly beneficial for longer videos.
  • Depending on the settings, MPEG4 videos can also be rendered in RGB through PSP VME for enhanced color conversion.
  • MP3 tracks embedded within video files are not processed using MAD.
  • Multi-track audio files are not supported; only the first audio track is played.
  • The maximum supported resolution is 480x272, with no significant limitations on frame rate.
  • nethostfs support is limited, and video playback is generally not feasible with this method.
  • AVI files takes additional 10MHz CPU clock.
  • AC3 is not recommended. for compatibility only. It takes additional 50MHz CPU clock.

Full compatible list of container and codec combination. (tested.)

  • AVI - opendivx/xvid/h264 - ac3/mp3
  • MP4 - xvid/h264/opendivx(?) - mp3/aac
  • any combination of video/audio codec is supported. (ex. avi h264/ac3 ok)

Recommended encoding software. (regardless of codec)

  • to avi files. Badak. (
  • to mp4 files. XviD4PSP 5.x. Good for mp4 files. (, avi not working)
  • no special conversion setting is required for H264. (just select file, setup codec and convert.)
  • HW xvid decoder does not support b-vop(b frame), gmc, qpel. When encoding with xvid, disable unsupported options.
    • (With mencoder, add -xvidencopts max_bframes=0:nogmc:noqpel)


  • The PSP remote control can be used to control music playback.
  • With the display off, music can play for approximately 10 hours.
  • On 3.80/3.90M33, installing the fatmsmod.prx from version 3.71 allows opening Korean files.


Left/Right - Fast forward/rewind to the next keyframe

Up/Down - Fast forward/rewind to the 30-second keyframe

L/R - Fast forward/rewind to the 5-minute keyframe

Triangle - Change zoom mode

Cross - Stop playback

Square - Show player debug info


Analog Up/Down - Boost volume from 1x to 20x (software-based)









Developed and tested on:

3.90 M33-5 (1.5 addon, fatmsmod patch)
3.71 M33-4 (1.5 addon)
OFW 1.5 on DAX's time machine (not a slim psp)

Known issues

  • High-resolution images may fail to load or display slowly due to memory limitations.
  • Some Korean filenames may not display properly.
  • Only ID3 tag V1 is supported; some file formats may not support tags.
  • MP3/AAC files encoded with VBR may have inaccurate playback time estimates.
  • Some file formats do not support fast seeking (OGG, MP4, M4A).
  • Files are linked based on their extension, which could cause issues if the file extension does not match the actual file type.
  • Sometimes H264 decoder fails.
  • After decoding of Mpeg4 video(xvid), H264 decoder crashes occasionally. (in sceMpeg library)



  • FFMPEG-based video playback has been added, with most features from the previous PSPlayerMT carried over. The software is based on nearly the latest FFMPEG source.
  • Hardware decoding is now supported for video playback, excluding AC3. Supported video codecs include H264/AVC, MPEG4 (Xvid, etc.), and audio codecs like AC3, MP3, and AAC. Software codecs have been excluded due to high battery consumption and large PBP sizes.
  • Only avi and mov (mp4) containers are supported, with other containers excluded as they are not commonly used.
  • New options for video playback have been added, and the number of available bookmarks has been increased to 120.
  • Subtitle support has been added, including SAMI and other formats. Customization options for subtitle color, font, and alignment are not available. Subtitle files must use multibyte encoding (usually no conversion needed).
  • Real-time volume control has been added. During video or music playback, use the analog up/down to adjust the volume in real-time, independent of system volume, functioning as a manual Replay Gain effect.
  • PSPLink (host0:/), usbhostfs, and nethostfs support has been added, but these require activation via PSPLink or irshell. PSPlayer does not provide an activation feature.
  • File deletion functionality has been added. In file view, press START to access the delete option.


  • Updated to use the latest PSPSDK and modified to be compatible with the newest kernel version.
  • MP3/TXT files now use asynchronous reading mode, reducing memory stick access frequency.
  • Default operation clock set to 20MHz, with a reduced 10MHz in power-saving mode.
  • Added support for AAC/MP4/M4A files encoded with AAC LC (using ME).
  • MP3 playback functionality using the PSP Media Engine has been added.
  • OGG file playback is now supported.
  • Added an option to use libmad for MP3 playback.
  • CPU clock is automatically adjusted when playing music, e.g., an additional 40MHz clock when using libmad for MP3 playback.
  • The PSP display driver has been updated to turn off the LCD backlight when the screen is off. This feature uses the LightMP3 support.prx.
  • PSP remote control and USB connection functions have been updated to work on newer kernel versions.
  • Several new options have been added.
  • Clock, FPS, and other stats can now be displayed (toggle via the additional menu accessed by pressing START).
  • The current playing file and selected file are now distinguished in the MP3 playlist.
  • PSP's automatic power-off function is disabled while PSPlayer is running (automatic power-off is now managed internally).
  • Fast-forward and rewind during music playback are now more precise.
  • The readme file from previous versions has been renamed to readme.old.
  • Farewell to Mahoro, as she is no longer part of the project.


Special Thanks to:

  • Sakya : used support.prx to do... clock adjustment, display off, get volume level. His LightMP3 motivated me to upgrade PSPlayer using HW codecs after 2+ year of sleep.
  • cooleyes : prototype for MP3/AAC/Mpeg4/H264 decoding using VME. PPA source code greatly helped coding of PSPlayer(esp. video player).
  • TyRaNiD : PSPLink greatly helped monitoring, debugging of PSPlayer.
  • and all other PSP developers

External links
