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PSP MilkyPlayer | |
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General | |
Author | Titan |
Type | Media Players |
Version | 1.1 |
License | Mixed |
Last Updated | 2007/10/22 |
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Website | |
MilkyPlayer is a music player application for the Playstation Portable which supports playback of the following module formats:
- .669: 669 Composer/Unis669 (PC)
- .AMF: Asylum Music Format ("Crusader" ingame music) (PC)
- .AMS: Extreme Tracker and Velvet Studio (PC)
- .CBA: Chuck Biscuits+Black Artist module format (PC)
- .DBM: DigiBooster Pro (Amiga) (*)
- .DIGI: Digibooster 1.0-1.7 (Amiga)
- .DSM: Old DSIK and Dynamic Studio (PC)
- .DTM: DigiTrekker 3.0 (PC) / Digital Tracker (Atari)
- .FAR: Farandole Composer (PC)
- .GDM: General Digimusic (PC)
- .GMC: Game Music Creator (Amiga)
- .IMF: Imago Orpheus (PC) (*)
- .IT: Impulse Tracker (PC) (*)
- .MDL: DigiTrakker 1.0-3.0 (PC)
- .MOD: Sound-/ProTracker and variants (Amiga+PC)
- .MTM: MultiTracker (PC)
- .MXM: Cubic Tiny XM (PC)
- .OKT: Oktalyzer (Amiga)
- .PLM: DisorderTracker II (PC)
- .PSM: Epic MegaGames MASI (PC)
- .PTM: PolyTracker (PC)
- .S3M: ScreamTracker 3.0 (PC)
- .STM: ScreamTracker 2.0 (PC)
- .ULT: UltraTracker (PC)
- .UNI: MikMod (PC)
- .XM: FastTracker II (PC)
Module formats marked with (*) have certain features which are currently not supported by the replay engine and might cause the module to sound strange or totally wrong.
MilkyPlayer will also load modules directly out of ZIP (.zip/mdz), PowerPacker (.pp), and UMX (.umx) files.
User guide
The screen is logically divided into 5 pages:
- Playlist page and file browser
- General song information
- Instruments and samples
- Song message
- Visualizations
To keep the handling as simple as possible, MilkyPlayer right now only supports a single playlist, which becomes automatically saved upon exit. The playlist is stored in an XML file called "playlist.xml" in the application folder.
Button mapping
When there is no focus on one of the list boxes, you can switch between the pages with the L- and R-Keys of your PSP.
(Note: MilkyPlayer will swap X/O buttons on European PSPs.)
When there is no focus on a list, the following keys always have the same function:
- Circle - Play/Pause song
- Cross - Stop playing
- Left - Previous song / Rewind (hold)
- Right - Next song / Fast forward (hold)
- Up/Down - Toggle position info
- Note - Config screen
- Start - Help screen
- Home - Exit MilkyPlayer
The analog pad can also be used for Left/Right/Up/Down, and headphone remote is supported.
Playlist page
- Triangle - Focus playlist
- Square - Focus file browser
- Select - Toggle playmode (shuffle & repeat)
File browser focus:
- Circle - Play selected file
- Triangle - Select file
- Square - Add to playlist
- Cross - Reset focus
- L - Select all files
- R - Focus playlist
- Select - Scan folder for playable files
Playlist focus:
- Circle - Play selected item
- Triangle - Select item
- Square - Delete selected items
- Cross - Reset focus
- L - Focus file browser
- R - Select all items
- Select - Toggle movement mode
- Start - Set cursor to playing item
Song info page
No special keys available right now.
Instrument page
- Triangle - Focus instrument browser
- Square - Focus sample browser
- Cross - Reset focus
Message page
- Triangle - Focus message browser
- Square - Focus message browser
- Select - Toggle hologram visual
- Cross - Reset focus
Visuals page
- Select - Toggle visuals
Tested on 3.10OE-A/1.5 FW.
External links
- Author's website -
- pouë -