List of DS system tools

From GameBrew
Revision as of 03:47, 20 December 2012 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)

Title Description Author
DSTWO DSTwo firmware. Supercard
FlashMe Firmware to start code in DS mode from a flash card in the GBA slot. Loopy, FireFly, and DarkFader
Haddad's Acekard 2i Setup An organized Acekard 2i Setup, includes AKAIO 1.7.1b and Moonshell 2.10 Stable. Haddad
Max Overload A third party patcher for Datel's MAX Media Player. MODEV!L
MoonShell NDS Loader Plugin Alternative YSMenu loader extlink for Moonshell2. Unneon
Wood Firmwares Wood firmware for R4 DS users. Yellow Wood Goblin
YSloader Plugin for MoonShell2 that run commercial ROM. Linoul
YSMenu Homebrew version of the ttmenu. Yasu
