List of DS system tools

From GameBrew
Revision as of 02:10, 18 December 2012 by HydeWing (talk | contribs)

Title Description Author
DSTWO DSTwo firmware. Supercard
FlashMe Firmware to start code in DS mode from a flash card in the GBA slot. Loopy, FireFly, and DarkFader
Haddad's Acekard 2i Setup An organized Acekard 2i Setup, includes AKAIO 1.7.1b and Moonshell 2.10 Stable. Haddad
Max Overload A third party patcher for Datel's MAX Media Player. MODEV!L
Wood Firmwares Wood firmware for R4 DS users. Yellow Wood Goblin
YSMenu Homebrew version of the ttmenu. Yasu
